Shan’t bother to catch up, too much has happened. Some lovely days with Claire, the Beans, Fran has been away with another friend etc etc etc. I’ve spent quite a bit of time helping out someone nearby, which has occupied my mind a good bit. We’ve had some time away visiting grandparents and so on.
I’ve been feeling distinctly under the weather since my hormonal upheavals, very tired and very grumpy and not had much energy for anything at all. Managed to faint on Saturday thanks to the net effect of the whole thing and banged my head on the sink, which was frankly slightly unneccessary and meant i spent rather a lot of time lying on my bed feeling wibbly.
We’ve carried a lot of boxes around and sent a lot of boxes back out. All sales channels currently suffering total, utter retail death though, which is distinctly unpleasant as the end of the month bills are very much looming and giving me sleepless nights. Still lots of new stuff everywhere….
…am liking these
and slightly in love with these
The children hate me because i won’t open anything and keep telling them to put things on their christmas lists. Muhahahahahah.
I’m trying to haul in a better work/play balance again and beginning to succeed i think. Certainly there is more happiness in the children, so that is good.
Still want to do that reading post but for now will have to just do a hasty roundup of each child.
Fran has been reading Dr Dolittle, Famous Five, Lemony Snicket and every “i Wonder Why” book we own. She is adoring her freedom to read, read, read and is also doing some writing at last. She spent the last few days at a friends rehearsing a dance for an audition. We’ve bought some KS3 and GCSE Biology books as she really wants to “do some science” and that seems a much less tedious level to do it at. Along with Maddy she got Highly Commended in her Theatre Arts exam and is Seconder of her Six, with an AWOL Sixer! Her Six is almost entirely HEed kids with an additional delight in the “Sophie with the Squiggly hair” of olden days! She is currently into stamp collecting (hurrah for Google, makes it so much more interesting!) and is getting on very well at self-taught keyboard (2 hands now).
Maddy is drawing in glorious technicolour; she did me a fabulous map of Kessingland Park today, just perfect. We’ve progressed to ORT6 too and she is getting on really well. Still thinks she can’t read because she “just knows those words” – 🙄 But getting there, slowly. Also rehearsing an audition piece, stamp collecting ECing, guitaring.
Amelie is on ORT4 and also speeding along. DESPERATE to be a reader, nearly is really. Loves maths and does that, Studydog and violin every day. She’s drawing lots, getting on much better with Maddy, very smiley and less squeaky and loves Charlie and Lola. So do i actually. Bit itchy again; we’ve got lax on milk.
Josie is being a bit nearly 3 😯 but has also pretty much cracked toilet stuff. She wees and poos on there now and often without an audience or assistant 🙄 but unfortunately also thinks she can wipe her own bottom after a poo. 😥 She had a very cute haircut today and has been flirting with little D from over the road a lot. She seems to be getting friendlier, at last.
And i’m… well, tired.
Glad you’re back. I missed reading about your days!
way hey to independently reading children! and to independently toiletting ones too (but bleugh to bottom wiping)
Hope hormones start to behave properly for you very soon and that the stock flies off your shelves.
well, when they’re on your site, I’ll buy one of those kentominoes – that was the solitare game one right??
hugs for hormones, and woo for exam passes.
Been meaning to nudge you and say I’m missing your blogging! I feel much like you (tired, grumpy) but more likely to be due to accidentally missing the happy pills for a couple of days than anything else, I think. Good to hear the girls are doing well. Hope you feel much better soon!
hope the hormones & tiredness settle soon. Thanks for our games 🙂
have made appointment – mirena out wednesday. Not sure mine has agreed with me. Going to try 6 months with nothing and see what I feel like then….
Don’t GET PREGNANT! (unless you’ve changed your mind!)