What a week.
I left Fran behind on Sunday night to spend a week with Claire and Charlie in the New Forest; they’ve clearly had a rather wonderful week which i imagine Claire will flickr and blog most fulsomely. Extremely strange to be without her for the 5 days, the others were rather subdued at times and i think Amelie missed her very much, though Maddy was perhaps the most lost without her. However the dynamics were interesting to behold and Amelie and Maddy got on better than i’d expected, so i think it has done them some good.
Can’t remember Monday. We did some reading and craft i think.
Sue babysat on Tuesday while i went to have my coil removed (i have shrugged off that hormonal coil.. boom boom!) It really hasn’t agreed with me; i’ve felt more tired, got fatter and had less inclination to do anything than i’ve ever felt before. The stone and a half i gained (which my doctor didn’t seem remotely surprised by) was almost the least of the problems. I didn’t like not having a cycle and i didn’t like the feeling it gave me of being an alien in my body; increasingly, i felt extremely uncomfortable about the way it works too, the thought that little emergent conceptions might be washing around in there felt unpleasant, particularly the more i’ve started to feel i’d like another baby. Procedure was fine, got home with new packet of pills and felt perfectly confident i could maintain the doctor and nurses advice of “extra precautions for a fortnight” (read total bloody abstience for a fortnight minimum!)
Somewhere later in the night it occurred to me to worry about what would happen if one bunch of cells was already washing about in there by a million to one chance… i think we can safely say that if anyone could get pregnant under those circs, it would be me 🙁 Rang a certain mate… considerable unrest…. rang doctors in morning only to be treated like an idiot for not using precautions for the previous week before too. Not that anyone told me to.. and although, yes, i should have thought of it i suppose, i know the biology, if you get told 3 times to take precautions AFTERWARDS, you kind of don’t think outside the box and assume they aren’t giving you one other vital bit of information at the same time. I’m a busy person, i fitted it in, i did as i was told, i assumed i was being given correct advice. That took me to Wednesday.
So “as a precaution” this week i had a coil removed, started the pill AND took the morning after pill… and i won’t even begin to go down the path of what that raked up. Great start to the week – triple PMT and worry, fretting and being forced into being reminded AGAIN that my husband REALLY doesn’t want another baby. Bah.
Just to cap it all, that night we got some worrying news about another member of Max’s family . Sigh.
Oh – other rather awful thing was MF offering to sit my younger 3 while i nipped out and Josie (we deduce it must have been Josie from her guilty looks and protesting) letting LF out on to the doorstep before shutting her out. Fortunately LF was eminently sensible and sat on said doorstep and banged on it till MF noticed; we’ve got builders and road surfacers here this week and cars parked in front of the house, it doesn’t bear thinking about what might have happened had she crawled out in front of MFs car. ARGH. Mortified at my 2 year old putting someone elses child in mortal danger. ARGH.
However, we did have a lovely trip out to the farm with Kate and Madison (who, even as her doting godmother, i have to say looks a bit like Matt Lucas in Little Britain atm!) – lunched, pottered, played, etc etc
Thursday we then got some fairly scary news about a memeber of my family, worrying me sufficiently to decide not to trek down to Reading and then Sussex, just in case it got worse. As it happens, all now seems relatively well and i got to spend some quality time with the family matriarchs on Sunday. Kids really upset to miss trip and MOnster’s party, but very stoical and understanding too. Very proud. They played, not sure what else; quality time, reading, playing and not succumbing to PMT were high on my priority list in the latter part of the week. (OMG, the spots. I look like i’ve had a Weasley’s Skiving Snackbox 🙄 ) Max and i got an night out at the cinema and decided on HP5 not Bourne due to generally fragile nerves. Have to say, *I* really enjoyed it. Thought it improved on the book, the actors are coming of age and actually acting, the Headquarters, the room of requirement and the mnistry were all spot on and generally it was pretty to look at. Not bad at all, given book 5 is easily my least favourite book of the 7.
Friday… umm… no idea again. Oh dear. Max collected Fran in the evening and stayed over with his dad and Maddy while i slept an awful lot. Oh, we have all our passports now though. Stand by for that terror alert 🙄
Saturday i sunk into deep gloomy depression and only emerged at the end of a very bizarre Sunday. Girls played.
Have a reading post to do – but will wait till later for that.
bourne was so good… but will be equally good on DVD I think. Do you fancy a babysitter for one night?
you know, I don’t think it ever occured to me that you could get pregnant if you hadn’t been careful the week before having an IUS removed but yes, now you mention it, it makes sense. Hope the spots settle down soon!
I liked HP5 but not as much as the book, which I really liked. It always vaguely annoys me that no matter what they keep in, they always seem to miss out some part that I liked better. Irrational I know but then that’s me!
Oh I so agree, I have put two stone on and not being exactly thin to start with, my hip and knee are suffering. I’m getting mine out too
Allie, it was slightly less distressing than the idea of any more unexpected pregnancies, but only just.
I believe i did threaten to go gay to Claire this week… she rolled her eyes at me and snorted something about bloody hetrosexuals 😉
whereas in contrast.. I have lost weight since having mine put in… am getting spots though…
That sounds like a challenging week. Just the thought of a foreign object in my womb makes me go all toe curly – and with the added bonus of weight gain? Erk. But, as I have never had to deal with contraception at all, what would I know?!
I’ve never liked the idea of them. Less so after my friend Heidi had to have hers cut out of her as she’d grown around it.
Oh. Meant to say: your week sounds horrendous. You need a holiday.
So glad you blogged about the coil. I’ve been toying with the idea, as its semi-permanent, but wasn’t sure how I’d like it. You’ve confirmed to me I’d be better off sticking with the pill for now! Also have a husband who definitely doesn’t want a no. 5…sigh…
((hugs)) for the turbulant week
I kept my mirena for 3 months – it just wasnt nice. I felt like i didnt know my body at all. On top of the weight gain and no cycle, mine twisted and embedded itself – lovely!
Hope the spots clear soon.
sounds like a stressful week, hope this week is beter :0)
Well I must say I love my mirena. It’s been so long that I can’t really remember having hassle with it at first (don’t think I did really), and now it’s just great, no periods and keeps the husband happy. Although I do know what you meant Merry about knowing how it works, I just put that to the back of my mind, you know, head firmly in the sand. Must go and get it changed actually, I had it when Joe was a baby and he’s 6 now so it’s about time …
Yeah, but you are a natural stick insect Sarah 😉 It has definitely stopped me from losing weight. I’m naturally chubby, don’t eat well enough but CAN diet – and since i’ve had that, dieting has been barely worthwhile and normal eating has made me put on weight. Can’t be righth.
i love mine.it works by thickened cervical mucous, inhospitable to sperm
Your blog is lovely! I’m always so happy when I see someone else who has four children…it gives me hope!
and hugsforcrap time haveagreat hols.
Glad you blogged re coil too. My Dr pushed a leaflet for the mirena into my hand the last time I was there – I think she must work on commisson or something, she’s always on about bloody birth control! Anyway, my initial reaction was No fucking way, but you’ve just confirmed it for me. Plus my friend is a theatre nurse and when I talked to her about it she just rolled her eyes and told me the number of babies she’s seen delivered with coils sticking out of the top of their heads……..
I’m really hoping Helen will now say she’s never seen a single one!
I love my mirena coil!!
a few years ago my periods were so heavy i couldnt leave the house when i was on, my coil literally changed my life. 🙂
no, I have never seen a single one, and can’t imagine for an instant how it would occur either. in the placenta, yes, but nowhere else.
I still think they are the best thing since sliced bread, but not for everyone. I quote 80% satisfaction.
I must admit, not having to think about contraception and no periods add up to a technically perfect concept.
Guess a technically perfect concept still has to feel ok though doesn’t it!
mine really is fine – it took about 6 months for my cycle to settle but my weight is just constant. Not dieting easily but not piling it on. I have to be honest.. I had it in when I first started ww and I lost a stone a half when I was motivated and sticking to the plan properly.
I wonder if I just need to pull my finger out and stop eating…. (sounds like very odd instructions)
I have considered having it out in a couple of months though to see about weight gain/loss for wedding….