And even avoided twittering it…. however…. “Merry spends Sunday in Claire’s Knickers!!!”
I really did 😉 (Must learn to pack better.) 😆
Friday we spent down at the OldManor, which Michelle has blogged beautifully for me. Had a lovely day, kids were all rather lovely and entertained themselves beautifully, while Michelle infected me with the book buying that i missed from not managing to get SOTP the other week. Bah. I’m jointly holding her and Kirsty responsible 😆
EDITED TO ADD: Josie’s crowing achievement of the day was to suddenly decide to stop wearing a nappy and tell me for every single wee of the day, which she duly did on the toilet. Autonomous toilet training at last!
Saturday we all dillyed around the house all day, having a perfectly enjoyable time without doing much. I really had to do some work and everyone else mostly just entertained themselves. Don’t remember much else. Later on, i took the big 2 off to Charlie and Claire’s as they were going to spend the day on Sunday with Bev and Charlie while Claire and i went to the Autumn Fair. Had a very enjoyable journey over as they sat directly behind me and we could chat; might swap everyone around in the car now that they can button Josie in in the very back actually, car ed was always fun but it’s less easy in a long car! Chatted about various things including road signs (realised how bad my highway code knowledge actually is and then all stayed up rather too late, resulting in extreme late night silliness from the children.
Sunday Claire and i had a very early start and got off to the NEC. Extremely painless trip, i liked the show though not as much as the toyfair but managed to see several suppliers that i was interested in. Ordered some of this Tobar stuff for BeadMerrily, some of this The Bead Shop and then some new games for PlayMerrily and also some TY Beanies for that site too. Lots of fun; Claire was much less restrained than i was, althoguh i will be ordering from a few other people but decided not to risk overstretching myself.
Got home very late and now have a day of jobs followed by a week of trying to be more active and out and about lots again.
*sniggering at the Girls In Stockings ad link*
ooh, like the 3d wooden version of pentominoes!
Just make some then Helen, don’t spend a fortune succumbing to marketing 😉 Sorry Merry, you know I love polyominoes, but really!
Still, it’s good to know they’re an excellent KS2 educational resource 😉 Do you want hexominoes and heptominoes too? I know a man who can knock some up for you 😆
Well done to Josie!!!
Rofl – i know. But not everyone does 😉
Actually, the 2 games i bought are slightly different to the one l linked to. They are a board and a set of puzzles to solve either singly or as a game. I have to say, they were really rather good – and remarkably reasonable too 😉
You would say that though, wouldn’t you? 😉 Talking of selling … bring me some Gellibaff (sp?) on Friday? 😀
Well of course, i didn’t get where i am today by downplaying my products you know 😉