Somebody sort out the NHS. Please. It’s being run by lunatics.
I phoned up for Amelie’s allergy appointment and they couldn’t offer me an appointment until the day after the 13 weeks that we must be seen within. This meant that she couldn’t offer me that appointment, because then she wouldn’t have been seen within the 13 weeks. So she was going to have to get her manager to open a new clinic, within the previous week (when we’d be in France), so that an appointment within the 13 weeks could be allocated instead.
Except we wouldn’t be able to go, but that would be okay because it would be within the 13 weeks from her referral.
Fortunately a manager with commonsense prevailed.
Is it me? 🙄
a rather harry potter keen seior gp in our area believes the NHS is currently being run by bogarts, and goes round shouting ridikulus at stupid decisions, hopeing they will go away
ROFL!!!!!!!! I laughed out loud at that!
ROFL at HH!!
You have my sympathy, we had that with an ENT appt just recently… the logic of these numpties defies belief!
I feel I should be standing up for my employer, but I can’t.
At least you found the manager with sense.