This morning was a bit bleary for several reasons too tedious to go into but i woke up rather sharply when i went on to the drive to investigate my latest stock dleivery, only to discover that the company i ordered from but specifically requested didn’t send me the stock till mid-september had ignored my request. Which means i now have £2k worth of stock that i don’t have time to make sale-able. Grrr. It’s all for the new site, Peppa Pig, Sylvanians, jigsaws, books, some new crafty stuff and some Supermags, but i don’t want it yet. Wail. Had to take it all to the storage place and berate firm on phone while demanding they don’t invoice me for the next 8 weeks. Pah.
After some more normals (Fran can do division, yay, not long now and i can give her a calculator with a clear conscience because the minute it requires her to do long division my allegience to manual maths goes on holiday) we headed out again, this time for Burghley House, which is now conveniently just up the road from us. Takes far less time to get to than it did when we lived 10 miles closer! Sadly the Sculpture Gardens are no longer free, but they redeemed themselves with the Water Garden bit (can’t recall what it is exactly called) which i didn’t know about. I bought a family pass anyway because that’s the same price as me and my 4 gonig twice and we went into the new bit first. It was so good we never got to the Scupture Gardens 🙂
We had the lovely pleasure of the company of Hannah and Co, which was great – and the kids had a ball.
Grubbing about for acorns aka fairy food.
I iddn’t know, but she was weeping because she was wearing trainers, not crocs, so thoguht she couldn’t go in the water. Didn’t occur to her to go barefoot 🙄
My very first attempt at setting the shutter speed manually, not great, but not bad and therefore blogworthy so i remember i did it!
Josie refusing to let me take a picture of her face 🙄
Thing. I’ve finally worked out why i keep missing the tops of things, i’m tilting the camera as i press the button. Must work on that.
Watery thing.
Panting thing 😆
I have this odd feeling this girl would be right at home in Chelsea or Kensington. This pose makes me think of an It Girl!
Shiny, spiky thing.
Fran’s footprint.
Seven stars and seven stones and one white tree.
Fairy food. I was told to stop taking photos in case i scared the fairies off.
No exit 😆
We had the regular fall-out-of-the-sky type.
Great pics. Haven’t been to Burghley in a long while. Last time I went I just went to the shopping bit.
There’s a shopping bit????? Really?
yes just a small one – but very nice stuff. I had ordered a silver riding boot keyring for a friend’s 40th and as usual hadn’t ordered in enough time so drove up to collect it that afternoon for the party the next day.
‘Garden of Surprises’
Thanks for your company xx
Excellent pics. Really enjoyed those.