Last week has passed in a definite blur. Let’s think….
Educationally things mainly seem to revolve around art, Singapore maths and independant reading at the moment, with a large side order of Doctor Who and Swallows and Amazons. Doctor Who brings on lots of interesting conversations, both scientific and moral, nevermind a bit of history. They’re all a bit obsessed just now 🙄 but they’ve enjoyed having series 1 to watch as last week was definitely a bit distracted, to say the least.
Not sure there is much to say about the week other than that we spent a lovely 2 days in the oasis-in-the-nick-of-time like home of Claire and Charlie; much playing, bouncing and the like. Poor MF got stuck with our internet connection changing and then not reappearing, so now i have internet but no wireless and have no idea how to fix that. I’ve had to use the talktalk modem to get it going and it isn’t a wireless one; i’m sure i ought to be able to get the linksys one to pick it up and broadcast it, but i think i need a man to do it for me 🙄 Max is no damn good at that stuff, i always get left with it and frankly, i don’t get it.
The particular highlight of thursday evening was the clutch going in the car just as we got to the roundabout outside town; i did the last 4 roundabouts without changing gear 😯 I think i managed to change once, but it just got worse and worse, really suddenly, and the last little bit i was just praying not to have to stop and that it wouldn’t all seize up. It quite literally died on the drive and the person who has it at the moment, said the clutch had completely collapsed, whatever that means. 🙄
Having a car that took 6 people was something of an essential for getting us all to Devon for a funeral and there were none to be had to hire, for love or money. Eventually we had to get a smaller one and then Fran and i went down with MF, but it was a pain as we all felt a need to be together. That said, it was lovely to have non work time with MF and get to know each other better.
The funeral went very well; we took all the girls in the end, which hadn’t been my intention but Max decided to speak at the funeral and i wanted to be there to support him. It was typical summer Dartmoor weather (utterly pissing it down) so my plan of taking them to the park and avoiding the funeral altogether (i blooming hate them, i’ve just been to altogether too many for my liking and they give me the willies) was no good anyway. In fact, all the girls seemed glad to have gone and did very well and Max did a fantastic speech and really made the service something very lovely. I was incredibly proud of him. I’m going to paste his words into a blog post, i have his permission, so that they are always there for the girls. I’d planned to do one too, but his is so good, i don’t think i will now!
Today the kids have just run their legs off in the garden and played games all day while i wrestled with the house, garage, stock room and so on. We all needed a chillout day. In fact, i have no plans for anything significant for a few weeks now, i need to have some guilt free time just enjoying them and not worrying about educating them, they need some fresh air if it happens to be summer at any point and we have quite a bit planned. Must try to blog more often though.
Last paragraph sounds like a good plan, glad the funeral went off well after the hassles of getting there.
So do we need to visit then and tickle your network a bit 🙂
Yes, please come and tickle away!
Glad you are okay, was a bit worried with the blog silence but figured it was becuase of hte funeral.
At the risk of sounding trivial, I assumed you were knee deep in HP!
big kiss
This comment should really belong with Max’s words but anything I wrote just seemed really trivial – and now i feel guilty for not acknowledging how beautiful his epitaph to his Gran is.
I sat there and read it with tears running down my face then read it again but could only get half way as it was so moving. Welling up again now and I last read it the night it was posted!
Possibly a bit too close to home for me – I really admire that he was able to write it let alone say it. I haven’t been able to do the same for my Nan. Probably should really – to have a memory recorded.
Talk talk advice
TalkTalk drove me mad last week – don’t take their rubbish excuses. I set my husband on them in the end and he got through to a higher level support (he had to answer all their silly questions with the “have you plugged it in idiots first), and then tell them that you are not satisified wih their responses and request to talk to the “high level technical support team”. They are really good and will stay in touch with you (they ring you!!!) to check all is working once they’ve sorted it for you. I’d give you the number – but they change it weekly to make us talk to the “Is the monitor on?” brigade.
Love the blog!!