Some good, some not so good.
Thursday we went to the park; this shouldn’t be a big deal, but over the last year i’ve found it really hard to go out of the house without adult backup. This is as pathetic as it sounds, it comes down entirely to the fact that i need total distraction from the world around me and only adults seem to be good enough at it, my children having a tendency to run off and abandon me, or be so annoying that i want to run away from them 😆 However, on this occasion, once we were out, it all went swimmingly. Swimmingly if you ignore the fact that both Amelie and Josie headbutted a swing within 10 minutes of arriving. Did a bit of park, discussed Swallows and Amazons (you know, you just can’t get it on audiobook, i’m going to have to READ it!), talked about the various birds, bird flu, bird poo, bird migration, sailing, who the Amazons were and that they didn’t start a book shop etc etc Then went to our favourite running around bit, which is a marked out site of a Roman Villa thing. Found it covered with geese and decided our bird affections didn’t extend to accommodating them, so told the kids to run at them and herd them away. Lots of fun. We kept Amelie on a lead, so it doesn’t count as worrying the wildlife 😉
Took kids to Brownie party.
****Inserts break for people to zip to bottom and insert first comment****
Friday we got up frighteningly early and WEREN’T late for the eo trip to Sacrewell Farm, a not very farmy but perfectly pleasant excuse for a local attraction. Started off with activities in the education room (wool pom poms, butter making, chick in egg craft) and tried to reamin calm as Maddy gathered together a selection of i think 6 boys, who all gathered about her while she held court for about 45 minutes, looking like she was Audrey Hepburn at the very least. One, B, who she has taken an extreme liking to, was all but laying his head in her lap 😆 If Max had been there, i susepct he’d have got his shotgun out. 😯 Fran looked a bit put out at the wrestling away of the affections of J, he she likes but had no eyes for her at all that day. Ooops. Had a lovely time with Michelle and Chloe (i am now her offical Back Up Mum, or BUM for short) and trotted round the farm. I was much more sympathetic than Michelle about Chloe’s reaction to a trapped swallow, so won approved BUM status from my new SOD (Side Order Daughter) 😉 and less enthusiam from the long suffering FROOPWSPM (Fast Running Out Of Patience With Stupid Phobias Mum). Played Pooh sticks for a while, retreated into the bakery and house for some educational play, a look at the Evacuee display (sob, wail, gulp) and then back out for a game of “Fran Boats” which involved weaving boats from natural supplies to launch. Fran’s was ace, but it got stuck on the reeds. Michelle has, and has kindly not posted, photographic evidence of me being a G.O.O.D M.O.T.H.E.R and lying face down on the bridge freeing it with a long stick. It floated, survived the rapids. Fran was happy, i engaged. Must do it more often. Michelle, please get a Flickr account, those photos are lovely and i want to bookmark them. Please, for me????? PBPNM (Pathetic Begging Photo Needy Mum)
Josie got hysterical with tiredness so we came home, unpacked boxes of Hama bead Pigs and the big ones went dancing. Then they came home, built a cardboard island and played as if they had known each other for years, not 6 months. Eventual wailing when we tore them apart at 8.30. I had to go and take parcels to the sorting office, thanks to postal strike. Not that i’m bitter.
Saturday was…. tidying, lovely afternoon in the garden planting out stuff and weeding, rabbit grooming. Fran went dancing, Max went to the tip. Anna the hairdresser came and cut everones hair, french plaited the older two and cooed over Josie. Gave me a counselling session that was actually extremely good for me and meant i came up with A PLAN for the immediate future and hopefully some sort of recovery. The girls practised their exam pieces, pranced around in character shoes. I got terribly over excited when the BM site took £2k in a week for the first time this year.
Sunday we woke up to the news that Great Gran, Max’s mother’s mother, had died overnight. She’s had stage 4 lung cancer for the last 4 months and life had become intolerable for her and for the people watching it happen. It’s been a visible strain on at least 3 people, Max, MF and Aunty Sue, that i care about, for all that time. I didn’t go to see her while she was ill, there didn’t seem much point really and it was better that Max snatched all those opportunities. I’m awfully glad to have been spared seeing how that goes, if i’m honest. All round, it’s good that it is over and hard to be sad exactly. That sounds awful.
Once we’d digested the news, we told the girls, who we really hadn’t given much indication about it all, tbh. They knew she was ill and very old and wasn’t going to be alive much longer but they wren’t particularly close to her so dragging it out seemed pointless. The older two were mostly sad for Max i think, Amelie immediately wailed and sobbed that it meant she’s never see GG again. Dispassionately, i was quite impressed by how clearly she grasped that, i thought death was supposed to be a difficult concept!! Frankly, *I* struggle with that side of it.
Tidied up, had lunch and then went out to LF’s first birthday party. Girls had a lovely time with a gaggle of babies and toddlers and 2 dogs. Both dog owners said the kids would get bored of stick throwing before the dogs… but no. My litter of bouncy puppies out-ran the dogs, who ended up crawling off in exhaustion. 😆
Chatted to the parents of a 6 month old for a while who do Gina Ford (!) and think i’m super mum. If only they knew how much i’m not. Felt distinctly old and wizened.
Came home, made tea, finished wrestling with house, did press hama beads with Josie (major hit, the little jewellery ones are perfect for her) and then watched something on Britain with Max. Have done a lot of talking. Will be doing a lot more.
lol – first comment:
yes does sound lovely, well done 🙂 About to go and read second installment.
All the rest sounds tentatively positive. Glad to hear it’s all a work in progress rather than a dead end.
All sounds rather good really. Oh and just get Charlie to read Swallows and Amazons to the girls, he’s read it already and you know how he likes to read to them. He says he found it “rather immature at times” – pmsl hark at the oh so mature 9 year old – but he enjoyed it anyway.
sorry to hear about Great Gran but I don’t think it’s sounds even a bit awful to say that it’s hard to feel sad at that point.
Party sounded great, adn ROFL at your team wearing the dogs out!
And I dont’ think it sounds pathetic to prefer to have a bito f adult company when you are out and about.
PS will be bringing a bag of sox to Helen’s do, so assuming you will be there we can sort out money and sox for small people then.
I go out of the house all the time to seek adult company! Will talk to complete strangers if there’s no one I know!
Mum has Swallows and Amazons Forever on DVD – the BBC televised series from aeons ago. Actually we still have it but it is hers. Its lovely. Really takes you back to the 1930’s.
Do I want to read the rest?
lol lol lol
She is a little sod too! And I prefer “FROOP Michelle” over “That Michelle”. Or perhaps it should be HROOP? Has Run Out Of Patience.
When I get onto the other PC I will email you the day’s pics including you freeing Fran’s boat. I’m very happy with Photoshop now we’ve figured out how to quickly upload to Blogger. Am meant to be setting up blog on our own website. Need to apply thought in that direction.
Your penultimate sentence in the penultimate paragraph is a load of old tosh. And that’s my final word on it.
Tosh!!! *nods in agreement*
And hey.. I did Gina Ford (and loved her) don’t judge!! 😉
It was more a “you’re talking to the wrong person” (!) than a “you worthless fool” (!) – on the other hand, i deeply, deeply disagree with her methods and while i totally respect other peoples right to disagree, i do it with something of a (and this is tongue in cheek, so don’t get huffy) relatively rare moment of ‘i totally respect your right to not be right’ness. 😉
I feel WAY more strongly about it than i do about HE/school and that comes from having done crying it out etc etc with Fran and seeing it visibly damage our relationship AND from the fact that feeling under pressure to have a routine conforming baby ruined my early experiences of motherhood and gave me yet another stick to beat myself with. So it isn’t just a random moment of knitted yoghurtness, i’ve tried it and felt the damage. If i believed it worked, i’d have tried it again, but the 3 children i didn’t do it with, and who i got less and less routine obsessed with, have been progressively happier little people.
It also comes from a strong sense that breastfeeding is right and that any person who has never had children but can make money out of promoting the perceived or implied notion that if a breastfed baby won’t conform to routine then it is the breastfeeding that needs to change, is just behaving immorally. That just doesn’t sit well with me; i don’t judge anyone for following her, she’s done a great job of marketing herself as a worthy product, but i do judge her. I don’t agree with her methods. What it comes down to, is i don’t think anyone should be teaching mothering other than mothers. Teaching childcare, being a childcarer, is one thing, but mothering is something else.
*scrambles down off soapbox*
This looks suspicouslyy like a CD to me:
think that may be an abridged version.
Could well be, I have no idea.
Amazon list an unabridged version.
It is abridged. In this case, we think that the abridgement is better than the whole book which can be a little inaccessible these days. Gabriel Woolf’s adaptation and recordings are really superb. He is very involved in the Arthur Ransome Society and they approve his abridgements.
Kind regards
Frances Goldberg
The Talking Bookshop Ltd