… i will never, never, never remember it all… ooooh, ooh, ooh, oooooh……
A week. No chance.
Right. Last Wednesday was our Wedding Anniversary, our 9th and certainly the toughest year we’ve done. Kate came and babysat, did french plaiting and read stories and Max and i had a couple of hours out. Must do it more often.
Thursday i have absolutely no memory of. This is always particularly bad becasue it means i might offend someone who might have been here, or at who’s house i might have been. Should i go back and look at past Twitters to see? Ah yes. Went out to TRUseless and got conned into buying the children things, though technically it was back payments of pocket money. Fran bought Animal Safari stuff. No, that was Wednesday. Oh well, no idea then. We’ve done maths, ETC, EC and a bit of reading every day, it all blurs into one after a while. I do remember having a lovely little while with Amelie while the others were at Brownies, watching Wallace and Grommit making-of dvd bits.
Friday i think we did all the easy activities on Islam and the Crusades out of SOTW, which was mainly rereading, maps and colouring, plus a bit of googling and then a frantic hustle to find ballet stuff, a dash over to see some storage for BM, a brief chat with the Beans and then ballet etc.
Saturday Max began a dinosaur project with the girls then lost interest when they wouldn’t do it his way. There is an art to HE and it takes practise 😉 I waded in a bit and Amelie learned some stuff while the others drew and played. Lots of gamecubing and stuff.
Sunday we went over to Belton House intending to just play in the playground but it was flooded. Instead we went round the house, found the Sundial used as the Moondial and then did lots of playing in bushes. Well, the girls and Max did, i flopped. Very, very lovely day though. Forgot camera and haven’t unloaded phone yet but girls had such fun and also enjoyed the house, loved looking at the art and dressed up in Victorian clothes. The woman running the kids discovery room was NOT well suited to the task!!!! Got complimented on the kids being lovely and very interested by the warden of one room and had a great time inspecting the paintng in one room and hunting for alteration made in one picture which meant that from a certain angle you could see a hidden figure behind the paint, with Maddy. We also spent about an hour in their Wildlife Discovery Room, which was kind of quaint but lovely.
Had completely awful moment when i lost Josie and wasn’t even the first to notice. Not quite sure how it happened or how long for, but Max went to the toilet and she must have followed him, somehow managing to do that after i’d clocked that i’d got her. I was looking for something, getting annoyed with 2 boys throwing a tennis ball across a courtyard full of people trying to cross it and not holding her hand, thinking she’s be by my leg as she always is. Suddenly Fran said “Where’s Josie?” and we looked round to see her absolutely nowhere 🙁 😳
We found her within a minute probably, though not before my heart had sunk and i’d started quickly scanning the area for the sight of anyone making a hurried exit with a bundle of child 🙁 She’s managed to walk down the path where the toilets were, so undoubtedly following Max and then carried on passed the gents and was howling her head off behind some stables with a couple of women watching her worriedly. They saw us hunting and called us, thankfully. Complete nightmare moments, very long seconds indeed and made me feel awful. I’ve got no idea HOW i managed to lose her. It hasn’t particularly happened before. I’ve had a “Maddy wanders off at HESFES when only 3” moment, which was a bit scary and a few times various people have been gone a bit too long for comfort, or gone off on a perfectly reasonable errand but without letting me know or thinking it through, but i’ve never actually managed to negligently lose one before.
She was awful upset 🙁
Other good things were Amelie reading P&J 1a and 1b (for the first time) to Max perfectly. Not only that but today she picked up a book from the shelf, a little early reader called Bunny and Bee, and read the first 2 pages to me. I think she’s learning to read. Entertainingly, he main motivation is apparently that she wants to be a better reader than Maddy 🙄 😆
Monday was a busy morning and then i had a babysitter all afternoon while i spent 4 hours (and £210+VAT) with a business advisor and mentor. He’s great, i’ve already implemented lots of the things we worked on and it will be good for BM. Utter kick in the guts in another way, a main supplier is about to do something which will affect my sales in a big way, but i’ll just have to get on with it i guess. Did give the MD 45 minutes of tongue pie over it though!
Went out to business club meeting in the evening and came home to find a bowl of hand picked garden pot pourri from Josie by my bed, with a beautifully written letter that sh’ed dicated to Fran. Made me cry 🙂
Tuesday no idea in the morning but in the afternoon i took them out for a couple of hours to Notcutts, where they played and i spent a fortune on plants and narrowly avoided buying another rabbit. Locked myself out of the house! 🙄 Max took kids out for tea but Maddy came home with very upset tummy, leading to no trip to Claire’s today 🙁
Wednesday Max got storming cold so stayed in bed and we did odds and sods and then did Bindeez and Aqua Beads all afternoon. Fran created a road sign set, Maddy made a tardis and a double sided penguin and we all had fun, interspersed with vileness because people are over tired and ill. Snot, coughs and bad tempers everywhere. Listened to Narnia. Watched Fran practise back flips. She can now run into a handstand, flip over, land on her feet and do anotherone, all self taught. I really have no idea where she gets it from. 😆 Maybe it’s my sister?
Way too much to comment on in here! did you see message about violin btw, Joe’s been promoted to the new bow. Let me know what you’d like me to do with the 1/10 size 🙂
haha “maybe it’s my sister” When have I ever been able to do that?!?!?! Gymnastics is certainly not one of the many skills I picked up along the way!! 😆
And Moondial.. I remember that!!!!
Oh yes please to posting it Sarah, will do likewise with payment of whatever type 🙂 She is just desperate for it 🙄
Definite fortune must’ve been spent on plants!
Scary about losing Josie.
comment, comment, comment.
Oh, Happy Anniversary btw
Definite fortune must’ve been spent on plants!
Scary about losing Josie.
comment, comment, comment.
Happy Anniversary btw.
Lol, twice!
You were grumbling at the lack of comments.
(dunno how it went twice. I guess I repeat myself a lot generally)