Ooh, quick start to the week; Wednesday already. Sunday was horrible, i was miserable, everyone kept out of my way. Very sensible. We did have a brief interlude when we all sat together and did some crafty stuff; the girls made these which are very efective indeed. Maddy got a bit stressed, but then she’s a total basket case at the moment anyway, so that was no great surprise. Lord knows what she’ll be like after a week drowning in a field.
Mind you, at least Amelie should be well occupied and she is tormenting the life out of Maddy at the moment, which really isn’t helping. God, if ever a pair of children were unsuited to being in close company, it’s them right now. Amelie can be a real bully at times and she’s got Maddy pegged as the easy target. Very difficult to deal with; all my instincts go with protecting Maddy but for one thing i’ve got to try and teach Maddy to cope with it and for another, i’d probably be better off just having Amelie under my nose at all times. Nothing seems to help Maddy with it, she just doesn’t see the wind up and get embroiled very time and you can see Amelie just relishing the power. Maddy goes into this hysterical “cry for help” honking bray of a cry, which isn’t real crying at all, just howling like some kind of call to arms and when i arrive i can just see Amelie being one step away from an artful shrug, sly smirk and wriggling out of it, because of course by that point Maddy’s over reaction is far more irritating than some deed of Amelie’s i didn’t see. I’ve tried really hard over the last year to step back from their arguments, but all it seems to have achieved is them being less nice to each other and doing more telling of tales instead of just asking for assistance, so i’m not sure i’m actually pleased with the result 😕 And for all Amelie is lovely in many ways, i don’t like this bullying aspect of her at all, it horrifies me because of what i went through at school but also because (i hope you’ll forgive me for this Greer, i’m pontificating only 🙂 ) i know the damage that was done to my own relationship with my sister because i wasn’t able to handle her being a much sharper operator than i was. As kids my sister knew exactly how to wind me up, i’m sure just because she wanted my attention, and because i fell for it every time and didn’t just get over it, we just ended up not being friends for a lot of the time. I’d be sad to see Maddy and Amelie have a similarly mercurial relationship.
And as an aside, other sibling stuff changed this weekend. Fran and Maddy (fran-and-maddy) have always shared clothes and clothes drawers; they are so similar in size that it has always made sense. This weekend they came down to ask (which made me laugh!) if they could separate out the clothes and have a drawer each. Growing up. max has been orrying about Amelie feeling left out and suggested we swap rooms about and put Amelie in with one big girl; i gave him a fairly open mouthed look over that. F&M adore sharng, play happily and never fight, all hell would let loose if we separated them. When we camped last week they slept separately and their only fight was over who got to share with Amelie; we compromised and F got Amelie but also got Daddy, i kept Josie and Maddy (the sleep like the dead) children!
Monday; i worked very hard at keeping out of MF’s way and being with the kids more. We all did normally stuff and bit of this and that, not sure what. In the afternoon i took them to Activity World for a good thrash about with the local eo group. Lovely time there. Maddy met a new boy friend called B and was highly delighted; in fact they were at nursery at the same time but don’t remember each other. I’ve known his mum as another HEer for a while. In the evening i met up with a graphic designer about doing some new business cards and leaflets. Max took the kids shopping and out for tea.
Tuesday; had plenty planned but the weather was gorgeous and so they played all day in the garden with our new walkie-talkies. I went to bed at 11, got woken up by 3 different children before 12.30am and finally by the rain at 3am. So here i am, awake and up because lying in bed is no fun at all. Too much thinking time.
Will leave you with a smile. Well, it made me laugh anyway.
Frances was watching “Doctor Who, Utopia” for the nth time the other night. I think she likes Captain Jack, her eyes go all shiny when she talks about him (and she talks about him a lot!) 😆 I can deal with that, i oggle the Doctor, she oggles Captain Jack (How camp is that character? This is a worrying sign, i do hope she isn’t going to go throguh her mothers phase of always fancying gay men!)
“Mum, what does he mean when he says they’ve gone to the edge of the universe?”
“Don’t know. Nothing really, it’s just a story.”
“But, does he mean like the end of a road, or the end of time? What kind of edge is it?”
“Oh God. I don’t know. It’s just a story. Do we have to start on Quantum Physics before you’ve even learned all your tables?”
She was, however, highly persistant. And i should have done better. But you know, i mean… realllly… how am i supposed to know?
Haha. I heart Fran. I like camp-looking men too. (I hope my husband is not reading this 😉 And about the end of the universe, how about “well, nobody knows what it’s like, so your guess is as good as mine. What do you think happens when everything ends?” Most people I’ve asked say that it all starts again 🙂
Lol – D is doing the exact same thing of asking Very In Depth Questions about Dr Who. I don’t think he asked about the end of the universe but he was most insistent that I explained all the time travel in the weeping angels one and how you could go backwards and forwards leaving messages for yourself in the future and past. Luckily I had a vague understanding of the concept from being in love with Red Dwarf in my teens so was able to draw on that for him 🙂
I have also found red dwarf to be a mine of disinformation!!
Lying in bed awake is truly a bad place to be and puts you in an even worse place iyswim. I avoid it too. Nice post on the whole. Glad your week is trundling along ok.
I’m sure Back To The Future is the seminal work on time travel 😉
I’m with Fran, Cptn Jack is drop dead gorgeous.
Ah yes, good point, had forgotten Back To The Future, oh and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. 🙂
that fighting thing: Abbie and either of the others here can work the same way. And she does the annoying attention seeking cry too, which makes us just want to slap her regardless of how awful either of the other two have been. So don’t imagine it’s only Maddy … surely they do have nice moments together as well? I think the good times outweigh the crummy ones here – although Joe certainly knows when to pick his moments and then we just send everyone to bed. Because we’re horrid like that.
Anytime somebody says quantum ANYTHING now, all I can hear is David Tennant saying “a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey . . . stuff.”
I don’t know what I’d do if I had a daughter who liked Jack(!) I didn’t feel much one way or the other about him for most of the series with Rose/Nine, but then my friend showed me a clip from an episode of Torchwood and it startled me how much he just really … creeped me out. Maybe because I just can’t get a handle on the character- and the undead thing hasn’t helped much either! 😛 I get teased about it a lot, though, since most girls I know just drool over the utter inaccessibility of him. Ah, well.
Now, what I’m really dying to know is, how did they react to Sound of Drums? 😉
(personally, from the moment the sky opened up I completely ignored the Trocli-thingummies and just kept watching to see if Rose was going to come tumbling through too!)