Just so little eyes won’t read too much.
Yesterday was a lovely day. In the morning we had LF’s company downstairs and she sprinkled Maxi Beads over the floor while talked Maddy through some number stuff, Amelie throguh a load of letters (she wrote her name joined up today!)Â and Fran through Equivalent Fractions from MPH4. I REALLY don’t like those books, i’ll be so glad to see the back of them. NOT. ENOUGH. SUMS.
MF got out the parcels (i’m loving only doing 1 day a week!); we sent out 114 this week and lots of them have been new stuff; currently i’m most in love with the new Melissa and Doug stuff but i’ve nearly sold out of Aquabeads/Bindeez already, which is amazing really. In my spare moments (ha!) i’m updating all the search engine stuff on the site and improving the descriptions on thnigs, so that i can leave it be for a while with a clear conscience while i work on the new shop. Lots of it has never been updated since Jax did the first install and i really needed to go over it and tidy up the things that have had very minimal descriptions ever since. So far i’ve done the maxi hama beads section (gratuitous linking for marketing purposes there!) and interestingly, they’ve had a strong week. Though not quite as impressive as the purchase of 15 boxes of 36000 beads 😆
Lunch arrived at the same time as Chloe and Michelle, more or less, i remembered to order a piece to our tent (can’t believe they’ve discontinued them) and still can’t get hold of Rachael to book. The garage was full of boxes and the kids built a cardboard city; in fact, it was London, Maddy drew a clock face for Big Ben. They had a lovely time and when they got bored and hot, we walked them round to the East of England Show, where we refused to buy them e numbers and eventually discovered a country trail with questions on farming to answer, bulls, cows, calves and sheep to look at and, at the end, a goody bad full of organic veg and seeds. They did some crafts, some puzzles, looked at an albino python and the weather turned, so we got cold and wet! Still, they probably learned something, even if it was a bit of an expensive afternoon!
Today they’ve run around the garden in small boxes with eye slits cut out (Josie looked like some cartoon character or other, but i can’t think who), Fran cooked the organic potatoes and we’ve watched lots of Doctor Who. Yum, yum to John Simm being in it 🙂
Must do better tomorrow. However, will spend time lying on bed playing with Fiver again, as he makes an excellent replacement for a soul and the children throng round as an added bonus. Have to try and get ahead before we go away though, so will have to work too 🙁 Oh well. This time next year….
‘scuse me? how can you not have booked yet when you organised the whole thing 😆
I like John Sim a lot, at least I liked him in Life on Mars, but I couldn’t quite get my yhead round him appearing as an evil timelord.
Organised the whole thing!!!! ROFL T-bird! I organised the date – nothing else at all!!!!