Maddy and Button.
Fran and Fiver.
We tested the tent in the garden this weekend and the bunnies got some grooming too; Smartie came out too, though he isn’t pictured. We haven’t risked having him and Fiver being out together.
Amelie continues to enjoy taking arty pictures 🙂
 Maddy has been exploring patterns again.
And Josie sings HSM and dances, all day.
This is Maddy’s fairy house and fairies; we’ve done a photo story, but not blogged it yet.
And this is one of the houses you can make with Fran’s birthday Lego set.
Fran did some workwork and painting with daddy.
And made slime.
Amelie took more photos.
Fran did the string tiedye kit i sell.
Amelie bought a Tinkerbell dress.
And painted some rainforest critters.
They all did some junk creating with stuff from the garage.
This is Amelie’s rather gorgeous dress from Aunite Greer and co.
Josie went coalmining.
We went to SNibston and played with an electric spider.
Discovered something about forces (or drainage, you choose.)
This made me laugh. The question was “Do you think there is any age restriction on technology?” and the child had answered “No, anyone can use a battery or plug, even old people.” Highly entertaining to point it out to Granny and Grampty!
We tried to make enough power to keep the town alight through half time and the adverts in Corrie.
And moved a huge rock using rollers.
And light the flame using just a couple of sticks and a pair of bellows… (and the lgihter and gas cylinder inside the display.)
Discussed how glad Fran should be that we don’t make her do this for a living.
And did the cycling thing… again.
Maddy conquered her tables.
And did some experimental maths.
And pulled faces.
 And i used my emoticons nad wondered where i put the new one BN made me.
That all looks marvellously harmonious and educational. 🙂
I love your photo blogs.
Lots of nice pics 🙂
some nice pictures there, love Amelie’s princess dresses and some great crafty stuff there too 🙂
thank goodness I escaped the photo blog – that’s all I can say!!! 😆
Snibston was great fun – loved it… which one is that in the last photo? I honestly can’t tell!!
ooh, ooh – lovely home eddy photios 🙂
I really should learn to type or at least check it before sending!!
Grin, Greer – Maddy.