A bit of helpful Windows Vista behaviour.
“Problem caused by Firefox
This problem was caused by Firefox.
The support for Firefox is community-based. Typically, this type of support group offers information and resources in a forum format about issues that other users have experienced with Firefox. In the forum, you can research the problem with Firefox, or you can ask the group a question about the problem.
To access the support group, go to the website online.
:roll:Â Thanks for that then 😆
Grr to IT frustrations.
Have sent a couple of emails. Dunno if you’re receiving me?
ah, the joys of new technology…..
PMSL! That’s the exact message I got a couple of days ago when mine crashed! Then a cheeky little box came up that said ‘was this information helpful?’ There wasn’t a box that said ‘are you a moron or what?’ so I just ticked ‘no’ instead. And then couldn’t work out how to exit the box …. d’oh!
Oh and that’s on xp btw..