… that back in the olden days of the Iron Curtain, countries that were behind said curtain were a bit.. well.. behind with the times 😆 And not unsurprisingly, given progress of any sort, even bad, plastic, talking tack progress, tends to be rather hampered by not being allowed to progress. My dad would come home from trips abroad being a journalist with some very quaint/tacky/plain odd items indeed. But really, surely THIS is just beyond being behind with the times? Where HAVE they been? And… have they seen the mush that is “In the Night Garden”?
oh gosh !
I posted ’bout this too – what an absolute load of old cobblers lol!
ROFL! I’ll admit to never really thinking about what sex any of hte teletubbies were!
All I know is that the person that played PO is one of the presenters on CBeebies and that every time I see her I shout Eh Oh!
Teletubbies = Legends.
They get Teletubbies in Poland??
I’m pretty sure that this was raised in this country too, when Teletubbies were first screened.
There has been far too much overanalysis of this programme from day one. Just googled to find a psychoanalytic approach “the symbolic function of Tinky-Winky’s red bag (which had been arbitrarily branded as sign of his homosexuality by Mr. Falwell). The controversial handbag is, mythically, a magic bag wherein Tinky-Winky conceals the secrets of his rational, orderly personality. ” and more revealing incest and sex-change . . .
People really have far too much time on their hands.
You mean there’s someone even further behind the times than Jerry Falwell was?