… my old laptop hasn’t conked out since i bought the new one. I’m guessing it will during this post though.
I’m in a bit of a quandary as i have no website editing software for the new one and coffeecup, which i downloaded a trial of, can’t handle the frames the php is set up in on BM. So any helpful recommendations gratefully received.
I’m extremely hormonal and haven’t killed anyone or picked a fight with Max. I call this good. I’ve even not obsessed about something that wouled once have made me obsess. And shake. And lie awake all night. I think i’ve really changed.
My nearly BIL has made me two smilies of my very own. Meet
“perplexed” who i think are very clever indeed. Now, the laws of the world SHOULD mean that i can put these in my smilies folder, give them a code and away we go. I wonder if that is really how they work? Thank you BN 🙂 AND my sister is letting me do a reading at her wedding (i wonder if she really meant me to say yes or if she was just being nice and hoping i’d say no!?!?!?!) which has made my day and slightly assuaged my feelings about never having been asked to do such a thing before (by everyone in the world, not my sister who has never been married before and i think is an agnostic. Should i know that for definite?). Or having any godchildren. Not that i’m bitter.
last night nearly turned into the War of the Raymonds after i discovered slightly too late to change my tactics that Max hadn’t given me all the rules of ending a game of Kingmaker. At least, that’s what i say, he got nearly as cross at the accusation as i’ve ever seen him. Almost a bit hormonal 😉 (Eh, EF, eh?) We played again tonight with the big girls and i nearly wet myself when Fran said “Lord Sainsburys to {wherever he was going}” – erm… that would be Lord Salisbury, darling. Maddy managed not to cry when we murdered her man (and she RUTHLESSLY murdered one of mine and two heirs) by reminding us that it wasn’t actually her we were killing. Literal to the death 🙂
We’ve had a lovely day in fact. Maddy and i did lots of FIMO, me for my secret project and Maddy did a fabulous bed and teddies scene and a lovely ballerina. I’ve even found a) the floor of the dining room and b) the camera (it was on the floor under the stuff). Normal service will shortly be resumed. She and i also finished her Fairyland kit and tomorrow we are gonig to do a photo story she has invented with it and blog it. Amelie and Josie variously fimo-ed and playdoughed.
Fran spent most of the day either reading or in the garage with Max, doing a slime kit, excavating a mammoth or painting. Her ear seems a little better and she’s been brighter.
BM has been bank holiday ish and Amazon was dead till lunch today when it recovered slightly, so there won’t be baliffs in just yet. BM has free postage if you spend £15 until tomorrow evening too 😉
love the smilies.
course I meant it you plum!! 🙄
think you need to edit a file called vars.php or some such as well.
😉 only kidding pips 🙂 thanks jax.
You can have Clo as a Godchild if we don’t do the Christening thing. I was thinking of you having her in a “OMG What is that child like!” sort of way, but I guess you’re looking for a more formal type arrangement.