We’ve got into games here and tonight we happened to stumble upon this shop/review site, which we think is owned by the friend of Max’s best friend, who he has spent a variety of Broads weekends with, playing hours upon hours of board games. If it is him, this man apparently knows his stuff when it comes to board games and his recommendations are well worth acting upon. We’re going to get the Settlers of Catan one.
Jan says
We played Settlers of Catan last night – good game!
Em says
another good game site I like with a whole mixture of people reviewing on is boardgamegeek.com.
Ruth says
Oh noooo. I clocked up over £50 on there on two games before I managed to talk myself down. Great site.
Sarah says
Haven’t played Settlers yet but I have heard good things about it. This is the one we’ve got into recently, haven’t played with kids yet though!