And rather a reluctant one too; Fran really doesn’t like us mentioning her growing up status very much. She had a nice day i think, though she didn really get any surprises in presents, except for a Beedibies dolls she was desperate for but that i’d been unresponsive about. So we wrapped that up and she was thrill and then bizarrely, about 15 minutes later, someone bought another one of the same variety. Not just any someone in fact, but i believe, a reader 😉 A reader who has NOT YET left any reviews on the site! 🙄 😉 😆
Fran chose a lego Creator House set and a backpack in the shape of a legobrick last week, so she opened them and her cards, and we’ll gloss over the shortest ever existance of £20 worth of birthday money 🙄 The Auntie Kate arrived with more presents, drawing pens, and Madison who was being dribbly, chunky and gorgeous. Such a darling babe.
We then spent a certain amount of time focusing our mind on 14 tiny things we’ve never met, but hope to one day. I’m not cut out for such drama 😆 This involved a question i knew was coming being asked, which i then got cross questioned on, in detail, in Burger King. More of that another day.
The birthday money, 3 old games and a last bit of help from mummy manifested itself in a Pink DS Lite and “Pony friends” for Fran and then we finished off in Smiths buying a stack of books she wanted; some My Naughty Little Sister, a fairy book, The Naughtiest Gilr in School and um… something else. My sister gave her North Child, which she is delighted by and i am going to steal to read too; it looks fab. Greer, the day was a bit hectic, but she’ll email you to say thank you tomorrow 🙂 Thank you.
All that done, i went to PC World to buy a new laptop; sigh. I can’t do without one and the other is likely to be too sick to repair, which should mean the service package replaces it, but it will take 6 weeks. So if that happens, the kids will get it, which is as it should be since it was originall bought with their money! lol. So inow have a cheap but decent Acer, which is fine but the keboard is weighted very differently and i keep missing letters! The kids were perfect throughout all that, Josie slept (again!) and i was really pleased with them.
So we finished off the day with Birthday cake and singing and picnic by the lake ith daddy, then lots of playing and watching Maddy pull a boyfriend again (this is what she refers to them, i hasten to add) – that girl has a real thing for boys called Mohammed! Was a nice end to the day and then we raced daddy home; him on his bike, us in the car. He won 😯 although i was hampered by Amelie thinking the race was us runing after him, so i had to retrieve her before i could leave! Plus i had to drive sensibly and avoid the 3 rabbits and 1 magpie that ran in front of me!
I shan’t wax further o her birthday; didn’t feel i did it well enough really but we have plans for a summer party for her and Amelie. She’s a lovely girl, i do adore her 🙂
WEll, it sounds like fun was had regardless of if it wasn’t quite as much as you had hoped and I’ll bet it’s the good bits Fran will remember!
ROFL at Amilie trying for a foot race against Daddy!
Decided against Harvest Moon then? Gwenny wants one of those Pony games too – you will have to review it for us 🙂
Sounds like a good day anyway 🙂
Um… i got Harvest Moon 😉 Fran is so far totally absorbed in the pony game… so i guess there must be something in it.
sorry I’m late, but Happy Birthday Fran!
Happy Birthday to Fran!
hello!!! have been slack at comments.. been busy week!! glad pressie looks good.. we thought it may stretch her (!) 🙂
Can’t believe it.. 9.. I remember walking in that room… 🙂
Happy belated birthday Fran xx
And Merry- those people who never leave reviews!!! *Tsk* 😉