This morning i got 95% of the way through a 4 day blog post and my computer froze; over the weekend it did a couple of odd “dark immovable screen” moments, this morning it went for full lockdown. It could, i suppose, be that it was frankly sick of hearing me whinge and diss my children, but i suspect it is something more expensive. Like it’s overheating. Which. will. undoubtedly. be. expensive. 😕
I shall return to dissing my children, only slightly less now, since judging by the agonising gripes in my abdomen, i’ve been a bit hormonal. Possibly my body is pretending we’re 9 years ago and i’m in early labour, but i think it’s probably just a mother******* of a period. Still, better that than going loopy again. I’ve been 4 days worth of hell to live with 👿 Probably should have got a clue yesterday, when i cried like a baby at the Cutty Sark going up in flames, although, i think that actually might be an event sad enough to warrant tears. I hate seeing things getting senselessly destroyed when they can’t be retrieved. It’s wasteful, it’s a loss and it makes me sad 🙁
So, we got home latish on Thursday and Fran went off to my parents the next morning for a long weekend away with them, her choice of birthday present, over and above any offers of presents from them 🙂 Mind you, she got presents but i don’t think she realised she would. She had a ball anyway, went to play golf, looked at and planted flowers, stayed up late having grown up dinners and read books about the Children of the Clearances with my mum and talked about the Civil War and the War of the Roses.
Friday back at the ranch, however, was not going so well. Josie was being utterly awful, and me not much better. I’ve never seen a child of 2 hit, bite, scream at, thump, pull the hair of and generally be obnoxious to other children quite as unpleasantly as she was being, nevermind to me. She was dog tired, i think and probably missing Max by now, but aaaaargh. By the time Max arrived home, i was ready to have my teeth pulled for light relief 😕 Unfortunately, Max was only nipping home to collect Amelie before haring off to Exeter to collect Wembley tickets, leaving me with a highly tearful and overwrought Maddy and a Josie who was apparently on a mission to get herslef buried under the patio. Though, i did consider burying myself under the patio, just for peace.
We eventually sat down and watched a film, which Josie kicked me in the head for most of and then we put her to bed and Maddy and i sat and did this rather lovely little kit.
Which you’ll no doubt not be surprised to know is available at… da da daaaaa!
Saturday passed in a blur of ghastly behaviour and trying to avoid falling out; mainly unsuccessfully. Max and Amelie arrived home eventually… nough said. Don’t think i retained any patience with anyone really.
Sunday we took Maddy and Max to the station; Josie spent much of the rest of the day screaming at me because she didn’t get to go on a train. Fortunately for her/me, she fell asleep on me while i was lying on my bed trying to go into a coma. Amelie and i then entertained ourselves doing another kit together… this one…
In the end we went off and got Fran and collected the dented but not daunted Exeter fans from the station and some sort of order was restored.
Monday we all stayed at a distance from each other for a while but made it through normals etc okay. Then we all played and stuff for a bit and ended the day by reading about Tariq who inveded Spain. That was short and sweet but we had some fun looking at pictures of Gibraltar, discussing its history and looking at photos of the Alhambra palace. Maddy drew a great Muslim palace of her own, which i’d show you, but i’ve lost the camera, so much of recent events is on hold till it returns.
My favourite event of the day was darling Jax fitting a reporting system to BM, so now i can click buttons all over the place to see what’s going on!
Today everyone normalled again. Fran is obsessed with a set of books called Stardust and has read 4 of them in 2 days, while dressed in a new Pirates of the Caribbean dress and flashing pink trainers, maddy is obssed with maths and working through a KS1 revision book effortlessly not bad for a girl who has done no formal maths at all until now 😆 Amelie is enjoying writing and can read the word “no”; she has also, bizarrely, started mirror writing her name after writing it just fine for over a year. She even wrote a letter to a friend backwards yesterday. Most odd. 😆
Josie has largely recovered; today she played very happily in the garden all afternoon with Playmobil and water; made us all laugh, after we’d stopped gulping with fright, by saying with full dramatic effect “i nearly drowneded!” to us all. A stark reminder for all of us though at a toddler could indeed fall into a small tub of water and drown without a nearly 9 year old big sister to pull her back out 😕 And i’m a bad mother because i let her bottom get burned 🙁
Favourite Fran quote of the day was “When i was in granny’s car we were listening to a piece of music called the Hallelujah Karaoke!”
Ah well.
This time 9 years ago i was starting to think about heading off to the maternity ward for a nice waterbirth and a few idyllic days breastfeeding my first child. Ho hum. Amazing what time can heal; it’s all forgotten now really. Such a long time ago. We were just talking tonight about how we used to look at the big kids at the Cleft Clinics and wonder if that little gappy baby on our lap would be okay and happy, and looking good and talking right and… and happy. And she is. And beautiful to boot.
9 tomorrow. Half way to grown up. Too old for MuddlePuddle. Just amazing 🙂
Happy Birthday to Fran !!! (tomorow)
In case I forget, Happy Birthday tomorrow to Fran!
We both got very upset by the Cutty Sark – both of us separately bought the Evening Standard – and we never buy newspapers really as don’t have the time to read them – just try and read other people’s.
Chloe used to instinctively and effortlessly mirror write with her left hand yet write normally with her right. It was very strange.
Ah, happy birthday to Fran! 😀
happy birthday fran.
bb does sing the hallelujah karaoke
you should have joined us on sat – we could have been horrible together
Happy Birthday Fran!!!!!!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Fran 🙂 Lots of love from all of us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday Fran, have a great day!
Ah, two year olds… Mine just hauled off and thumped a smaller toddler at playgroup on Monday, for absolutely no reason. I was mortified.
Happy birthday to Fran!
Happy Birthday to Fran!!
Seb can kick, bite and thump with the best of them too :o( I am wondering if it is typical and all the others were just exceptionally well behaved. *shrugs*
Happy Birthday Fran!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day
Happy Birthday from us too 🙂 it’s amazing how fast our little babes grow isn’t it ?
Happy Birthday Fran 🙂 xx
Happy birthday Fran, you really are a beutiful young lady you know!
I shed a tear about the Cutty Sark too and assumed it was hormonal.
And I could have happily joined you with digging up the patio yesterday and my lil darling is old enough to know better!
happy birthday Fran 🙂
I feel like crying at how old all mine are getting, but feel caught between that and happiness iykwim!?!?
And the two year old thing – never seen it quite like fourth time round. aaaagh. Is it fourth child syndrome!?
happy days to everyone.))
Hm, fourth child syndrome, huh? Does that explain that three-year-old thing, and the four-year-old thing, and the five-year-old thing too then? 8-o