I think i’ve finally fried my brain. I was just putting a notepad file with some site passwords in it into the recycle bin on my laptop and i actually had this thought process…
“Can this be recycled? Do i need to shred it first?”
Mhmphf. 🙄 😆
I think i’ve finally fried my brain. I was just putting a notepad file with some site passwords in it into the recycle bin on my laptop and i actually had this thought process…
“Can this be recycled? Do i need to shred it first?”
Mhmphf. 🙄 😆
Milk Monster's Mum says
Have you been at the Tixylix?
site admin says
To be fair… yes! For most of the week!
Greer says
Try Medised… it’s great.. too great actually.. last time I used it well beyond the medicinal requirement just because it knocks you right out!! Best sleep I’d had in ages! 😆 😉
carol says
ROFL, oh dear. I reccomend Medised too, good for getting kids and adults to sleep ;o)
Milk Monster's Mum says
*adds self to the Medised Hall of Shame*
'EF' x says
LOL..have images of you all staggering around with the house littered with empty bottles of infant pain relief clinking about on the floors. *sigh* Those were the days;)
And you still haven’t answered the question..well..DO you need to shred it? (Shows how much I know) Is there a shredder function in my poota somewhere? I still claim that my USB stick is heavier when it is full.
DaddyBean says
Well, yes, if you want to actually be sure that the file has really gone, yes you do need ‘shred’ it. deleting a file from the recycle bin doesn’t remove it from the hard disk, it effectively gets ignird until it gets written over again by something else. That’s why software can sometimes retrieve deleted files. Even then, sometimes traces of the deleted file can be detected (apparently)
You can get software to electronically ‘shred’ files to wipe evidence from the disk. not that it’s worth bothering about in general.
Gill says
EF – you have a USB *stick*? 😯
Alison says
Memory stick that you plug into a USB port Gill 🙂 Handy little buggers 🙂
dawny says
lol oh heck I love it !