From time to time, just to check what is going on and who might be looking at us, i google the names of my children. It occurred to me this evening, as i set about doing just that for no particular reason, that a whole heap of people must be googling the names Maddy and Amelie and ending up here; PoP still comes top on Google for those two names, but not by much and not, i imagine, for very long. While i know we all have our guts twisted in just the same way by the stories of missing children, it suddenly crossed my mind that the family and friends of that little girl might well have inadvertantly found their way here over the last few days, if they scan the internet hoping for a clue, or some hope.
Please, please let her be found safe. The mother of this Madeleine and this Amelie is thinking of you all, should anyone who loves that little girl happen by.
Friday was spent with the Beans in the morning and the home ed group in the afternoon, with Chris and Helen looking after the girls there for me while i went and signed a bank loan. *trys to look nonchalant* When i got back, with 20 minutes or so left, i sat down with Maddy and she read me a book about snails, managing 90% of it without help. She wasn’t terribly pleased with herself though (because she can’t read) and later, i heard her telling Max that i made her spend ages reading a book and so she had no time to do any playing or any of the activities! 🙄
We spent the weekend with my parents and my sister and co. Saturday we mostly loafed, Sunday we did a trip to Snibston, the science park in an old colliery. Will blog it with photos. Sunday evening my sister kindly babysat (including putting Joey to bed) and Max and i went out. The day was enjoyable, the evening out (the first in 2 1/2 years) was lovely and i loved seeing Joey putting down roots with my sister. I got lots of Rowan and Ella cuddles too, both of them are gorgeous girls 🙂
Monday i woke up feeling like the roof of my mouth had exploded; more tonsilities, a month to the day from the last lot 🙁 Hot footed it home to the 24 hour doc, who told me not to over react and be silly and refused to say a word to me after i said “please just do as i ask and give me anti-biotics.” He wouldn’t give me the dose i needed at all, so i had to get more today (which the docs sent out to me after i cried down the phone to them), so that cost me an extra £7. Thanks a lot Mr know it all emergency doctor. I do apologise for getting ill on a bank holiday, nevermind having the audacity to know what was wrong with me. he told me i was being silly about a mild virus and stupidly i let him make me doubt myself, so left it (as told) till the next day to start the pills, meaning that i now can’t breath through my nose (we’ve gone for a sort of attic version of tonsilitis this time) and today i got so breathless just talking that i had to take Amelie’s inhaler just to keep me upright 🙁 Trouble is, this doesn’t even seem to be be my tonsils, its more behind my nose. They’d have to take off my head to fix it 🙁
Girls have been great; got on with stuff, played with toys, dressed up, done all normals without having to be asked, tidied up, Fran cooked lunch and filled the dishwasher today. Bless her 🙂
I’ve been erm… mostly counting in 6’s and 8’s between painkillers. Good job i can do that. Normal service and all that….
t-bird says
once you are well enough Merry, write the snottiest letter ever to that doc and to whoever runs the out of hours. May not get you anywhere but then again it may just make him think twice before he fobs some other poor sod off with platitudes and smarties intead of meds that will do the job.
Gill says
Hope you feel better soon xx
Amanda says
Hope you feel better soon.
Greer says
Do you think maybe it may be ethmoid sinusitis related or infected polyps rather than just tonsils? JUST wondering as I get pain behind my nose when mine get infected…and in my teeth and throat?
Probably not but just a thought..
PS my girls are gorgeous yes 😉 so are yours!
And lol to Max standing in poo!!! Sorry Max but very funny!!!!! 😆