Oh dear. I think i better forget the blow by blow of Legoland and try to remember everything else instead!
Tuesday was largely characterised by Josie throwing an UTTER 2 YEAR OLD STROP!!!! with bells on. Almost impossible to fully describe, it involved the “repeating naughty action while looking mummy full in the eye” step (throwing more beads on to the floor) the “artful further kicking of the box of beads to make more mess” step, the “i not tidy up, i not want to, i just Josie” step and the “Ammi did it” step… followed by and i kid you not, her turning her bum towards me afteri woefully resorted to the threat of a smack and saying “smack me!” I ASK YOU?!??!?!?! And there was more of the same, which i’ve wiped from my memory and eventually, having been forced into smacking her because i’d said i would (and don’t start, anti-smackers, i’m not gonig to fight with you) i then had to go even further and sit her on the stairs because she immediately went for the box of beads and hurled what was left across the room.
I really DON’T do naughty steps, i’ve never, ever done it and i hate it as a form of punishment. It makes me think of all the times i felt humiliated and alone and i don’t do it. But for some reason, 9 year and 4 children into parenting, 1 of them managed to completely unhinge me from all my accumilated experience and put me right back into “maybe i can learn something from Super Nanny” status 🙄
Mind you, she was ever so good after and tidied up all the beads. And then shortly after that, she did the same again. But it took less time to fix second time round.
*emits sigh*
So Tuesday mainly involved tidying up for the cleaners, who don’t come cheap but did spend 3 hours here and there were 3 of them and the house looked a whole lot better afterwards. I’ll gloss over the fact that i nearly lost my cool over one of their names 🙄 Of course, i get 2 regular cleaners and one of them would have to be called the one name guaranteed to make me cry. Naturally. 🙄
The girls all did loads of stuff though, Maddy spent AGES doing birds from DWN, Amelie made a beautiful beaded picture and Fran did everything i asked of her and read a heap of non-fiction and several other tihngs that escape me now.
One thing that was loads of fun was sparked by Maddy seeing a beaver in the DWN stuff and asking what type of mammal it was. So we got out DK Animal and found them and her guess, that it was like a squirrel, was about right – it’s a rodent. Fran thought it would be like a platypus, which it isn’t, but we looked at thme too. Took a while and was really nice.
Wednesaday they normalled all morning and played all afternoon and this morning was the same. Did some maths rod maths with Fran and Maddy together on number bonds and times tables which they both enjoyed and Amelie read, and practised writing in a workbook.
This would have been loads better if i’d done it daily. Oh well 🙂
oh gosh, I’m in denial about toddler tantrums, but you have my sympathies on that one (and I think I did resort to a sharp tap on the bum once too, not sure who was more shocked, me or her!)
Hello!! This sounds like a fun week.. just like Josie to be the one that has to be different.. she’s just making her mark!!! 🙂
Can’t believe my spelling in this. 🙄 I must have been tired.
LOL, that reminds me of the time this autonomous, libertarian, ‘tcs’ parent ended up pinning one teenage son against a wall hissing “If you ever hit me again I’ll knock you right into next week..” Well, that decade of martial arts training had to come in handy for something! 😆
I love spirited kids though. Josie sounds like my kind of person. At least you know where you stand with people like that. Eternally placid people tend to make me feel a bit suspicious: like, “Yes, but what are you really thinking?”
Hey, I don’t think I have your email address anywhere besides the business one. Need to email you something….could you mail me please 🙂
I clipped E round the head once, which resulted in me joining in her 3 year old wails as opposed to fixing anything. decided from then on that the naughty step was very much needed. Just not for her. For me. Tantrum starts, remove myself to the naughty step before I can get too cross. (added bonus of they can’t taunt you if you’re not there).
I think there’s something in the air at the moment. 3 year old was being an absolute toad last night, tried to put ME in time out, answering back, throwing things etc etc.
Hubby came home to find me hiding in the bathroom.
ROFL @ Em! 😉
I have long thought that Hama beads would be the ultimate tantrum accessory – so much mess to be made with so little effort. They also rain down rather charmingly if hurled… Will remember that for next time I have a ‘this place is a tip’ tantrum!
LOL! I’m guessing Jasper’s not going to be such a tantrum expert as M was/is. We shall see.