She was having more fun than it appears…. (honest!)
More or less this amount, in fact!
Some ‘discussion’ as to whether this was Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. I mean, come on people, let’s do this RIGHT!
Every woman should get to see their husband floating away looking sultry in a peapod just once in their lifetime… (and while we are on the subject, did anyone else notice they’d rebranded their ‘ladies’ toliets as ‘female’ toilets?
I stroked him at the toyfair. Gosh, i get about.
You see, proper cricket. Sheep, sun, silliness and no pyjamas, no taking it seriously and absolutely no skullduggery.
“Look Papa Bear!!!”
Josie ACTUALLY thought it all marvellous – “look mummy, LEGO!!!!”
Yes, that really is someone with a machine gun on the dome. There was a man about to jump on Big ben too. Not that they have an odd sense of humour or anything.
See? She liked it. First smile in a week. Not that i’m counting 🙂
“If your name’s not on the list, you’re not coming in.”
And that was the day in pictures – backwards for some reason. We had a monumentally fab day so a huge thank you to Nic and i will blog it all nicely tomorrow when my face has stopped glowing 🙂
Michelle says
It looks fab. You couldn’t have had better weather really. And it all looks so clean!
Indigoshirl says
Hi, I’ve never been to Legoland. It looks good fun, might just have to go….:0)
Amanda says
Looks lovley :0)
Merry says
It really was lovely, such a perfect day. Nic the weather fairy did an excellent job!
Alison says
It is very clean 🙂
Merry – bit of a bummer – it’s shut on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in May (apart from the half term week of course) – a different plan????