With the unerring poetic justice, i spent my second April 11th (see how good i am at this anniversary thing 🙁 ) in a row sitting on the floor of my kitchen sobbing incoherently down the phone at a friend. Fortunately this time i had nothing more to cry about than the fact that
a) i needed to do an end of year stock take,
b) 3 days of illness had proved the point of that joke (“hello dear, you know you think i sit around doing nothing? well today i did”) and the house was falling down round my ears,
c) i was physically incapable of packing the parcels i needed to, my throat felt like it was bursting out of my ears,
d) Sam Tyler had solved all his problems by killing himself (i think on reflection this bothers me),
e) there was a breakfast bowl in my shower,
f) i needed to phone 3 separate people up and order things
g) and my children had started to tiptoe around me without me even having to warn them.
PLUS (and how unfair is this?) i was actually slightly better in the tonsil department, but had caught Josie’s cold.
Claire, being the kind of friend she is, listened for 2 minutes, uttered one sentence, then put the phone down… to reappear 90 minutes later in my house where she solved all the most pressing problems effortlessly and then took the big 3 away for a few days while i recuperate 🙂 Bliss. Lovely friend.
Max came home, looked astonished that i was actually at the point where i would send my children away, allowed me to point out that the house looked as if we’d been burgled and then set about entertaining Josie and cleaning the bottom floor to perfection while i lay on the sofa looking rancid.
So.. erm.. nothing else. Although Fran is going through an interesting phase; she’s suddenly reading factual books ALL the time (wish she’d put them away after, but i’m not about to complain to her) so she is very happy and self contained. She also seems to have developed the ability to think for herself. having been told by me that i hadn’t set up the new computer with their browser yet, she followed a little path in her head of things she knew about until she got via my blog and her blog to the pages she wanted. That’s quite a change for Fran really. Then yesterday she wanted to help Amelie ride her bike, realised it had a flat so got out a footpump, worked out how to use it and pumped up the tire all on her own. Result.
And i’ve just had a dream i took Fran, Maddy, Violet and Gwenny on a day trip to the moon (a la Doctor Who) and they all started arguing about holding hands and i realised they’d all got taller than me!
I wonder if i’m delirious?
Dunno about delirious, but you’re obviously well-loved 😀
woah, what a friend!
hope you are very much on the mend and that your recovery will signal some happy beginnings and overall healing.
each of these days passing is progress.
many hugs merry. I would go with delirious. thank goodness for claire-to-the-rescue.
oh, and well done fran for coming through the dizzy blonde phase!
Think you are allowed to be delirious at this point so enjoy the weird dreams! Hope the germs go away and leave you in peace again soon.
Three cheers for Clair to the rescue and to Fran getting all grown up on you.
If its any consolation I didn’t see anything wrong with your house LOL Oh dear, perhaps I’m just used to seeing a house that looks burgled 😉
Good old Claire!!
But did Sam actually kill himself, it was all rather ambiguous? SB is being rather ditsy at the moment, could FRan give her some thinking tips?
Enjoy the reduced child numbers, rest and get well soon 🙂
Dunno, jumping off a building at a run seems fairly definite 🙂
I thought he thought he was dead already because of the not feeling anything? All a bit Vanilla Sky. (We saw the last 20 minutes, having not seen any of the rest of it!)
Yes Alison, that was what had got me wondering – when he cuts himself in the meeting. Maybe he was dead in this owrld, maybe it meant that this never was his real world, and that he really was from the 1970’s?
Merry – perhaps you are more like me than I know? (although I tend to sob about nothing in particular)…
Ruth, i’ve been struggling with depression since i was about 7 i think, at least, that is the first time i can distinctly remember having a significantly out of proportion reaction to sad things and not being able to throw it off. I don’t think i’ll ever stop taking pills long term now – and it doesn’t really hope that most of the things that push me under are very much of my own making 😕