*several days swoosh past in the manner of tumbleweed*
Erm… where was i? Oh yes… losing my keys 🙄 Okay Friday ended with me doing a (2 hours late) dash up to my parents’ with the girls to drop some or all of them off. Josie was adamant she was staying too but in the event she was only that sure until the minute she arrived. 2 years old in Josie years might be old enough to talk the talk, but not to walk the walk! 😆 So i brought her home with me again. We then had a 3 hour tussle over bedtimes, mostly revolving around “Go to bed…” and immediately followed by “i want go grannie’s…” 🙄 Max, his brother and his cousin had gone to the pub, so i got that particular gem of an evening to myself and then got my head slightly messed with by them all turning up mildly drunk and ready to watch the cricket – made me feel like i’d somehow turned the clock back to student days!
Saturday they all went out for a walk, i did some cheques (paid off 3.5% of the mortgage, hurrah!) and then cycled to the village post office (the next village, as i don’t actually live in one) then off to my normal cycle. Actually did the same again later in the day too, making 12 miles in one day… it is of course perfectly fair that i gained another 2lbs. 👿 We mostly pottered beyond that, though i did get sucked in by Doctor Who and have decided i will letch on him once Sam Tyler departs. Haven’t watched Doctor Who since Peter Davison 🙂
Sunday flew by in a haze of tidying, a rush to try (and fail) to see Max’s gran thanks to hopeless parking facilities and the collection of my 3 reprobates from a weekend of spoiling and delight courtesy of Greer and co, Rich and my parents. Thank you!!!!
Did manage to fit in some education; took the girls for a late-ish cycle and discussed swans, cygnets, moorhens, coots, geese, goslings, ducks, ducklings and watched a Great Crested Grebe for ages (i knew what it was, i was most impressed!) doing some incredible diving and underwater swimming. Looked him up when we got back and Maddy wnet off full of plans to learn about birds.
Monday i took various of my children for a quick visit to the Beans where we met up with Joanna, swapped books and beads and played, ate and gossiped. Also managed to extract most normals out of the girls too. Today they’ve played, i’ve tidied and i’ve ironed Hama and assembled most of the stuff they’ve done recently so i can photograph it and then file it (in the bin 🙂 ) Also got some lovely islam books from Amazon to read through the week.
There was more; i’ve forgotten it.
ha ha!! This was good to read.. A little catch up makes me feel like we’ve just had a chat x 🙂
He’s no Christopher Eccleston though is he? 🙂
Well done on the 3.5%
You two have no taste. 🙂
We cut our mortgage in half once…… well done! Just don’t ever move.
Nice catch up post :0) what’s wrong with David Tennant!!!!
Nothing at all as far as I can make out Amanda 😉 Apart perhaps from the fact that they don’t let him talk in his own voice on Dr Who, but really, I can overlook that.
Listening too hard would use up brain cells i can better use for looking closely 🙂
3.5% is a nice amount of disappeared mortgage. That’s about 1/28th, so is the cupboard under the stairs completely yours now? 🙂 Bit more?
In case you feel too drawn to David Tennant, watch him in Harry Potter. Would he have the presence of mind to remember the law of conservation of momentum and the fact that he has a cricket ball in his pocket when chucked out of a spaceship without a spacesuit? It’s one of my favourite Dr. Who moments – Peter Davison at his finest. Although David Tennant did see off a baddy with a well-aimed satsuma when still newly regenerated, so maybe he could be in the Dr. Who XI too. (Me, a Dr. Who anorak 😉 ? )