Claire arrived at 10am today, about 30 seconds after i had woken up and remembered she was coming to see us! Oh, she brought Charlie too 😉 That was approximately the last week saw of the children.
Task of the day was this – i retook my Beedible pictures and i’m REALLY pleased with them. I think they look pretty good.
We had quite a lot of fun naming them all too; take a look 🙂
other than that, nothing. Rather unfairly, given we already knew this month was going to be rough on a personal level, we’ve had bad news about a relative today and i’m guessing the next few weeks are going to be very miserable. Ho hum.
Michelle says
“April showers bring May flowers”
Sending feel good vibes. xx
DaddyBean says
Hmm, I’m highly suspicious of toys which have things like ‘highly collectible’ in the description (aka your children will nag you for yet another one….) 😉 I liked the ‘we at Beadmerrily ‘ line though.
hugs re bad news.
Chris says
watership down bright eyes Myxomatosis
google search – uk sites only
My sister did this search yesterday…..lord knows why…….
site admin says
my sister only found my blog because she did a search for a book we had as kids and i came top. It’s world take over 😉