Lol – daft title. I was visited by a rep, the children talked to their pets, Fran still has itch-itis and we all got on with some cultural and mathematical repetition of past topics 😉
Let’s think…
First thing we all had a snuggle and a chat and i attempted to make up for my awful behaviour to Josie in the night which requires someone to call social services, i think. She must have been asleep next to me, snuggled up as a spoon as it were, and i was dreaming that i had a heavy bowling ball on my arm and that i was trying the flick my arm in a fashion that would push it off. Only the bowling ball, as it turned out, was Josie’s head and i rather successfully tossed her out of bed in my sleep 😳 She’s forgiven me, i think 🙂
Since i’d parcelled on Saturday, i only had a few to do this morning and that was over pretty quick. Then Emma arrived and we sat down to talk over a few things for a while; once we’d done that, she took Amelie for some reading, while Fran did her normals (EC, reading, French) and Maddy did some EC and some guitar. Emma and Amelie sat down to do some reading together and from the sound of it, Amelie sort of made it through P&J1b 😯
I idd a quick tidy, Emma fed everyone and then i got ready to entertain the rep who deals in most of the craft kits i’ve recently started selling. Funny how these conversations work; i’m generally asked to describe my business, how i started, where i’m going and i do find it really crystalises how i feel about it all. And today, it felt good (though a good orders day helped, but saying that to someone earlier immediately killed it dead!)
The rep was nice and i expanded the range i’m going to stock a bit, though not masses and most of it will be for my rapidly increasing Amazon sales. She also sells a range of card topper stickers (which i rather loved) and gave me some for the girls when she left. They are going to love the kits i’ve ordered; some nice little educational type ones in there.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Emma was helping the girls with some colouring books that i’d printed out, doing a variety of familiar stories from an Islamic point of view. They all made a Noah one and Maddy added her own very Maddyish slant to it, which nearly made me burst when she showed me 🙂
Yes indeedy – Maddy, by way of the stickers, added an Usborne-esque “find the bear” activity – feel free to look at Flickr for the other pages 😆 Isn’t she just priceless????!!!!!
They also explored geometric pattern, thanks to a unit i printed out, which was great and our pattern blocks (Sarah, i found two more books, i thought i only borrowed two from you but obviously not!)
Really annoyingly, i know we have several pads of colouring in patterns and we definitely DID have nice Brightminds versions too, though i might have sold them in my last resources cull; could find ANY of them today, or any decent printable ones either. You’d definitely think people would have tessellating printables somewhere wouldn’t you? 🙄
After that there was a whole load of playing and capering about in the sun and then Fran and i went for a ride together when Max got back. Not a bad day at all.
I’m definitely up for suggestions for our Islamic project; ways to go, things to look at, sites of interest – please send them my way 🙂
Sarah says
lol, I wondered but thought I might have remembered wrong! We had those shapes out today as well.
DaddyBean says
ROFL at the ‘Josie throwing’ 🙂
Joanna says
And we had our pattern blocks out too! Spooooooky!
Michelle says
I’ve wacked Clo a couple of times in the middle of the night thinking she was Marcus snoring away, but no, he was on the other side of her!
Liza says
pmsl, poor little Josie! even Andrew laughed when i told him, he said “please dont dream about going bowling when im sleeping in your bed”.
i printed off some nice colouring patterns pages ages ago, will try and find the link.
Liza says
found it!