She’s just scratched herself to bits though as the rash that she got on Wednesday has dried up and gone really tight and nasty. She’s creamed and nurofened and fretfully asleep in my bed and i’m staying out of the way so as not to disturb her. I wish i could work out what it was that was doing this to her though, i just feel i must be missing something really obvious
Must get her back to the doctors next week; she’s come such a long way from the dried out, papery looking little scrap she used to be and i hate seeing her struggle with itchy, blotchy skin again. I know plenty of children have far worse eczema and allergies, but it makes me sad to see her struggling so much to put a brave face on when it is making her miserable.
She’s such a sunny, loving little person. And she makes a great portrait
Fab picture! You should put this one for her in the cast and crew panel.
Do hope she feels more comfortable tomorrow.
What about wheat, gluten? Or the fruit obvious like tomatoes or strawberries? … She is adorable.. I just loved her to bits at Christmas when we were having some sort of biscuit or whatever and she said.. ‘Can I have that Auntie Greer? Or has it got milk in it??’ I said we had something different for her .. a special one .. and she stroked my hair and said thank you… She is just adorable x
God, i really hope it isn’t wheat or i think she actually might starve!
she is growing into such a pretty little girl isn’t she. Might the skin trouble just be weather related? Really hope it’s nothing nasty – poor thing!
That’s a beautiful photograph. Have you tried the allergy testing at that Chinese place in Queensgate? We’ve always thought B must be suffering from some kind of allergy (and like you really hope it’s not wheat as he’s a pasta freak!) – he gets itchy all over, mood swings, sneezing etc (it’s probably all the dust from lack of housework). Anyway, have been passing this Chinese place for yonks and they do allergy testing to over 400 items just from a small snip of hair. Took B there on Sunday. I must admit I ‘m quite cynical about these kind of things but I’ll to let you know the outcome – should be early next week – as you may be interested in giving it a go. Elaine (Elle)