I’m officially back down to one BM helper again, and today wasn’t a day that had help, but fortunately there wasn’t too much to do (is that fortunate, or not, i’m not entirely sure?) Kate came to visit with Madison (and i got to play at babycare and change her nappy… yegads i’m that babylove starved and sad these days…)She’s a completely adorable baby and i’m looking forward to doing some minding for her soon 🙂 Posted off my first orders as a featured seller on Amazon, which is hopefully going to be good for sales when (and if, i have to prove my worth)Â i get into the “add to basket” box sometimes. otherwise, things have been extremely quiet for days and that’s not too good. I need to sell a lot of stock still. Gulp.
Anyway, the girls continued their constant singing and dancing all morning, Fran and Maddy have got into a habit of doing ballet stretches first thing and they’ve all been “rehearsing” shows, mainly with additional characters played by dolls. It’s all a bit complex and unbearable to watch at times! Emma turned up, did some reading and stuff with various children, while Fran read a book on the Solar System . Then, it being a gorgeous day, she took them all out in the garden.
Emma wants to do a project with them – and i want them to cover Islam – so she has been planning stuff and started today by reading them some stories from the Quran and then getting them to re-inact them. It was all rather fun and i was particularly entertained by them enacting awe as Allah revealed himself to them during the flood story. They’d obviously remembered some stuff about differences anyway, unless Emma primed them, as we’ve acted out Noah before and done a bit of kneeling and hands togethering, but they were praying in proper Islamic fashion for the story 🙂
After that they had a picnic lunch and then a fairly protracted game of What’s the Time, Mr Wolf? they came in and did some Fimo-ing. Just to stick with the theme, we spoke about the Shahadah and then (courtesy of SOTW) framed a little copy of it in a fimo frame. Results are rather nice, but i’ve lost the camera, so you’ll have to wait. Emma assisted with a model of Noah’s ark (actually i’m assuming it was still Noah, i wasn’t listening!) and then Moses in the rushes and we discussed the parallel stories in the Bible. Also went over the structure, parallels and etcs of the Old testament/Koran and talked about how Judaism, Christianity and Islam share a base and split apart. Maddy was particularly interested in that and questioned me quite a bit.
And as an aside to all that, we also discussed the way we name our years, BC, AD, Common Era, why AD is AD and how it doesn’t actually start at the right time, how different cultures had their own version and that no one was counting down until Jesus was born so it wasn’t always numbered as it is. Which, frankly, is confusing and ridiculous enough as an adult, so no wonder they all looked stewed by the end of that! What was wrong with just start at 1, one asks? 😉
Fran and Maddy also did a very intricate model of Sinbad in the valley of snakes together, which virtually counted as narration. They worked really well together and the model is great. Will do photo.
AND we tried out the FIMO pasta machine and Liquid FIMO, both of which are EXCELLENT!
So i can tick of socialising, some RE, some craft, some drama, some reading, outdoor play and probably a few other tihngs today. Definitely educated them anyway 🙂
I’ve tried to explain BC and AD before now and managed to get everyone more confused than they were in the first place.
Does sound as though your student is particularly lovely 🙂
Sounds like you did a lot of educating them! Next time we see you please can you give C some RE education as I am hopeless at the whole thing and remember almost nothing from school due to total disinterest!
I want to be educated at your house!
RE isn’t my strong point either,our school only really did Christianity in the narrowest terms.
RE isn’t any different from anything else really, pick up a couple of books a read a bit – I think when I was at school RE was pretty much just christianity anyway.
I don’t think we’ve gone any further than what BC and AD come from. Common Era always just sounds like such a politically correct thing to be using – just taking the same date system and calling it something else doesn’t make it any more ‘common’.
anyway, sounds like grand day 🙂
Today is the 15th Day of Adar, 5767. The time that has elapsed since Moses recieved the Law on Mount Sinai.
Giggle 🙂
No it isn’t it’s the 25th of Safar year 1428 from the first Hijrah. So there. I always prefer using the word ‘common era’ or ‘christian era’ since the AD does not refer to me – it is not the year of my Lord, so sounds silly to say it for us.
rofl! I obviously think it is 9th day of expectant in the 37th year of Helen. but usually stick to BC and AD myself.
The chinese have their own dating system too. Don’t know what year it is though.
I did RS (religious studies) O level and was taught BCE (Before common era) and CE (common era). That was twenty years ago so it isn’t some new thing. I think it is sensible to have something everyone can use – if they like 😉
I’m with Merry here…. 9th day of WHAT Helen????
😯 Very odd thing to say… just what did you mean, Dr H?
What we all want to know is: are you up the duff then or what?
no no!! I was thinking that was the last month of my mother being expectant – rofl at you. Mirena firmly in place!!! And if i was, I might blog about it!!!!
sorry – hangs head
I did think it was an odd way to announce such a thing!
TBH, it didn’t cross my mind that it would be read in any other way than a calendar dating my life!