Saturday morning was glorious here; we threw back the curtains in the dining room to admire the way everything had been washed clean by the previous nights torrential rain… and saw, stacked neatly before us, al my brand new cardboard boxes that Fran was supposed to put in the garage for me while she fed the rabbits…. 😯 👿 The words write-off don’t really adequately desribe their state; 50 boxes all completely mushed 🙁 She was VERY upset (but not as upset as i was!)
Ah well, nevermind. I’d promised myself some work first thing, so i could enjoy the rest of the day with a clear conscience, so i quickly added a load of new Maxi bead things and the exclusive Happy Fruits kit that i’d taken a risk on importing. It isn’t a UK standard, so i had to agree to buy a whole case, 50 sets, which is no small investment (and takes up a lot of space!) It is a really lovely kit though, Fran has been enjoying it lots, and early indications are that people are pleased to be able to buy it, so hopefully i won’t have 50 for too long. (Well, i already don’t have 50, so i’ve made a start!) The maxi stuff is just lovely too, much more boy stuff but Ams and Josie loved them and did loads and they’ve been flying off the shelves too, so i’m tentatively crossing my fingers that i did the right thing there.
Having done that, we decided to make off for the day and see the sites of Hunstanton; Max had had a tip off from work about Old Hunstanton, so we headed first to Tescos for a very cheap lunch (£15 for 6 people is almost stupidly cheap!) and then drove down the road to see what we could find.
It was REALLY lovely, much nicer than the Hunstanton beaches, though there are rock pools of sorts on those. Huge numbers of shells, more razor shells than i’ve ever seen just lying about before and dunes to shelter and play in. They spent ages building the Great Wall of China and a Hun encampment 😯 Guess they learned something last year then, anyway! Then all 4 of them got embroiled in an Aladdin game; loved watching and listening to that and adored seeing Josie get involved. She’s just worked out that people can have pretend names in games and revels in that side of it.
Fran collected lots of shells because she wants to “study seashores” this week- i think that can be arranged.
Finished off with an icecream (or in mine and Max’s case, hot chocolate and cake!) at the Salad Bowl Cafe above the Hunstanton Beaches and then home. Excellent day, sorely needed.
Today was pouring with rain so we’ve done not a lot. Max taught Fran and Maddy to play Railroad Tycoon (economics, business studies, history, geography and ICT!) and then they had a rehearsal in the afternoon for the show next week. All getting a bit nervous now, it is a blooming big theatre! While they were at that, i got an hour to myself in Tesco, totally failed to find the missing Peter and Jane books i wanted for Moo, (so did an Amazon order!) met a friend i’ve not seen in ages and yakked for a bit and then bought grass-seed and a new duvet. Oh yeah, i know how to party 🙄
Blogging good business is always instant retail death – so i won’t. I will, however, be up for a while yet 🙂 But that’s okay because it gives me time to think over a new project; i’ve discovered that something i really want to do, but thought might be too expensive, is really do-able and so now it is all systems go to try and make it happen. it’ll be a chance to do something creative with a great return on it – which means it is definitely worth doing!
Oh yes; loved the eclipse last night – my Mum and i texted each other through it last night 🙂 I adore lunar ones, they are just so magical and we had a great view. It was completely clear and all the showground lights were off, so it was really dark. Plus it managed to site itself perfectly into the middle of our bathroom skylight, and from there it was even better 🙂 I did get Fran back up to see it, but she was very sleepy and didn’t remember this morning 😆 She did ask to have it properly explained tomorrow, so muct try to do that; might have a sciencey week this week.
Helen P says
We got our two older ones (8 and 6) up to see the eclipse and they were pretty impressed, though I wasn’t sure how awake the 6 year old was really!
When they came back inside for hot chocolate my husband got busy explaining it to them with the globe, a lamp for the sun and an orange for the moon – it was really effective too!
Sarah says
50 boxes! oops. Ah well, at least there wasn’t stuff in them?!
Kirsty says
we kept ours up for the eclipse, they’re never in bed early anyway so it seemed pointless!
Hunstanton sounded good – made me very excited for going!
Sarah, Dino and Mimi says
I let mine sleep. They’re awful otherwise. But it was magical here.
Mrs HoJo says
Aaaaah we used to go to Hun’ston loads when we lived near you, sniff,
the eclipse was fab here, loads of us stood outside the pub, with the lights off, just staring, and eating ice cream :o) A and M stayed up, K fell asleep during godzilla! my my he is gettting brave now.
Kath says
I shall take your tip about Old Hunstanton beach and go have a look, we’ve only ever got as far as the part near Tescos and the holiday pound shops. Looks like you had a lovely time there 🙂