To rival batbaby, we have Baby Jasmine 🙂
and then of course we have Amelie and her geomag roses 🙄 (I’m sure the Portico children don’t make roses with their geomags… i just don’t know where i went wrong, i really don’t!) 😆
Today we had a playing morning while i had an extremely long awaited cuddle of little Madison and a long catch-up with Kate. Really nice to see them both looking so well; having looked huge at birth, madison looks everso diddy now 😆 Certainly next to the enraptured Josie, at any rate. 😕 Not a baby anymore.
The girls all entertained themselves fairly well in fact; they are all quite into AC again and played that in a trio, plus did other bits of computer work. Then, after a leisurely lunch, we finished storyboards and Maddy narrated her story, while Fran typed hers. She got to the end! I’m really proud of her 🙂 The stories are so funny; i must blog them here too – they illustrate the difference between them absolutely perfectly 😆
Then we did a spelling test, Fran read the first 2 chapters of Charlottes Web (i refuse to take them to the film until she’s read it!), Maddy did some EC while Fran did a Singapore Chapter (back to 3 something for some bits we’ve missed) on time. I was impressed there too; she used her 6 times table faultlessly to work out hundred of minutes and added all the hour fractions on correctly too. Somewhere in there lurks a braincell or 2 afterall 😉
I chose (why, why oh why???) to pick a fight with Josie over saying thank you. 45 minutes later we were still locked in a standoff that neither of us were going to win. She didn’t get the juice so was consequently thirsty and cranky, i felt a prize cow/idiot/rotten mother 🙄 She has rewarded me with several thank yous this evening though, so perhaps it was worth it. Currently feel slightly like i’m training a puppy, with lots of over-enthusiastic positive enforcement 🙄
I really don’t get why they choose to face off about things like this at this age; it isn’t like i wanted her to say the dreaded s word (sorry) – what’s such a big deal about saying thank you? Where is the confusion? We all say it, all the time. She used to say it, what’s the deal? But even more – WHY did i pick a fight about it? Honestly, you’d think i was a newbie, not someone with a total count of 20 years mothering experience now! *batters self over head*
Shortly after this, we had the habitual shrieking match over lost ballet shoes 🙄
PS – Ros, Maddy says thank you very much for her card; very cute and DEFINITELY worth the £1.23 in missing stamp fees 😉 😉 😉
oh the habitual shrieking match. I think (although I shouldn’t really say this, it’s asking for trouble) that at the grand old age of 10, Anna has finally learnt to keep everything in her bag in the same place in the bedroom so that she can find it easily …
My children made geomag necklaces, if it’s any consolation? 😉
“not someone with a total count of 20 years mothering experience now! ”
reading this made me wonder how many total years of mothering experience I had. The answer was very very scary! (and I completely wished I hadn’t done it). Now I think I’ll add up how many total years of grandchildren experience I have. Ahhhh, that will be none then, bliss I feel ‘normal again! 😉
My children make tunnels, rockets and buildings with Geomag, I like the idea of roses and necklaces, but that’s *never* going to happen here, lol!
Mum making a fuss is probably the deal 🙂 (as well you know)
We do make a bit of a fuss about BB being sorry, mostly because she can often do quite horrible things to Sb – hit her, scratch her etc. Rather than get hung up on saying thought, we go mostly for being sorry – so giving a hug and a kiss
Lots of Geomag piercings here 😉 Buttercup made a very nice chair the other day, but its legs kept sticking together which was a bit frustrating, lol!
None of my kids have ever written a story with a marriage in it either 😆 As to where you went wrong? That’d be all those Disney films 😉
I can’t think of an example of something that *hasn’t* been made of geomags here (well I can but not without being silly and we all know I’m not given to that 😉 ) but we don’t have marriage games either! Lots of children and offspring ones and plenty about horses, cats and dogs and of course daily doses of people being Wallace and Gromit!
OFFS! That whole pack of stamps has done that to every one I posted to that day. Sorry.
Well Pea hasn’t learnt that one Sarah, nearly but not quite :-).
Lol- i was very amused by the marriage, she decided that all stories had to have a girl and love in them. But i quite liked the fact that the girl did the proposing!
Ros, it didn’t matter. The postman who collected my parcelsactually went to the sorting office and got it for me 😀
We encourage Rowan to say sorry and thank you respectively for every time it’s appropriate and she is normally pretty good about it. We were both adamant that she would learn it from very early on.
She’s actually very enthusiastic with thank yous most of the time – it’s sorry that causes the issues so we go for the hug and the kiss as well rather than put all the emphasis on the word.
She’s hit the stubborn stage naturally and whereas 10 months ago it was said every time and there was never an issue we sometimes have more of a fight than others but I think it’s worth it.. for us anyway..
BN was brought up that way and wants to carry it on.. but then we are newbies so what do we know 😉 😉 😉 😆