A bright sunny day makes all the the difference, doesn’t it? 🙂 Especially when you get an hour off to go cycling in it, which made me very happy indeed. The headwind was a bit brisk, and i forgot my gloves, but the amount of work my legs were doing warmed me up plenty 🙂 The girls have noticed the difference too i think and were much less whiney. This is a good thing.
I was utterly shattered AGAIN this morning and totally overslept, though i got a lot of cuddles and so on along with my snoozing. Luckily, i ‘d done all my parcelling, so once i was up, i launched everyone straight into the variety of EC, Studydog and letter practise that makes up their morning and it all got done in record time. While i cleaned down the kitchen and got loads of washing going (washing of a variety that soap nuts were not going to cut through!), Maddy sat in the kitchen and read a variety of Ladybird Read-It-Yourself level 2 books. She still insists she can’t read, which is quite funny, but she can 😆
This is her jigsaw from last week; i’ve finally worked out how to get pictures from my phone to my PC. Yay me!
Auntie Sue arrived about 1pm and i got my 2 hours of me time; i’m coming to rely on that, it really is a brainsaver. Today she demosnstrated ably why i should spend more time on the floor with my kids; much happiness, little mess, delighted children. They were playing “The Biggest Cat is an….. cat” where you have to think of descriptive words going through the alphabet; must do some work on adjectives with them! 😯 🙄 😆
I went out for a ride after first placing 2 stock orders and 2 stationery orders; also managed to get tickets for their show in 2 weeks; only their particular session still had tickets available. Thank you, Cosmic Supply Company 😳 In 2 weeks they dance on the stage we watched The Nutcracker on the other night. Gulp. Came back and had a blissful, unbothered shower and re-emerged into the world of parenting.
Fran had finished up her book (finally, having slightly misled me yesterday!) while i was out so rather than doing a review, i suggested she could try writing her own chapter and make up her own Teddy Robinson adventure. to help, I made her a page to draw a storyboard out on and she did 8 little pictures to try and tell a story. She needed quite a bit of help to really get a beginning, middle and end to it but once we’d done that, she typed up a good bit of her story into her blog. She’s kept it private for now, but she did well, only asking for the odd spelling. I thought tomorrow i’d help her do the punctuation and then help her do a second version that she could narrate and we could hopefully pad it all out a bit more.
Meanwhile, Maddy was making a model with a jam tart base and a pack of pipecleaners. She eventually came down with a much sellotaped, but rather good, model of a person under a beach umbrella, with bucket, spade and icecream. I suggested she too did a storyboard and she did a pen one and then a coloured version and told me a very involved storyline (that being very much her thing.) Hopefully we’ll get to blog that tomorrow too; we spent a while discussing some of the stages of films we’ve seen on Disney dvd extras.
We’ve also managed a bizarre conversation on ethics, thanks to a quote in SOTW the other week about when Muhammed was asked to judge on whether a man should give back money on the sale of a camel that died the next day. Covered a variety of things there; fairness, deliberate selling, accident, honesty and by some slightly convoluted route, the distance selling laws which i have to work by!!!!!
I’ve got some more photos for later, but i’ve just seen this on the news and thought it looked interesting; plus quite relevant to us at the moment – Worldmapper.org
Sounds like a lovely day had by all. I like the Muhammed / Camel discussion.
yay I’m first!!
made me laugh out loud when I read that maddy said she couldn’t read.. when we went to see the iron man and I said – what does that say (pointing at the title on the program)? She said I can’t read really and I said but what’s that word there.. man, she said, but that’s an easy one!!
🙂 funny!!
Sounds like a good day and Maddy also did the “I can’t read” thing when she stayed here and then read a posted at the cinema 🙂
Thanks for the link to the maps.
And your other comments, too. 🙂
Re loads of washing done….I keep putting it off ‘cos the machines not draining properly and it drips all over the place….but I’m down to the last pair of holey knickers now….