… wake up till 12pm 😯
I’ve not be able to lie in (in the proper sense of being midday style slovenly) for ages; in fact, it was just about the only indication i had that i was pregnant last year, becasue i suddenly slept in til 10am for 2 days running. And since then, i’ve avoided it like the plague because it has a tendency to give me brooding time. Plus it was easier in the old house when the living room was downstairs like in a proper house, but here, the living room is opposite my bedroom and so being prone tends to mean that people jump on you, or in Josie’s case, come in and pester for milk 🙄
However, the last 2 days i’ve slept in till gone 11. I think i must have needed it badly as i feel an awful lot more human again now.
Today just toddled by really. Fran is obsessed with Neopets (thanks Charlie!) and Maddy played on a Yr 2 Jump Ahead game for ages. Josie and i had a lovely time playing on Poisson Rouge together, which she loved. Shame it isn’t slightly more navigable for her on her own really, but did occur to me she might be ready for that intro Reader Rabbit game. Occurred to me too how much less we rely on cd-roms these days, with everything on the net being so available. It is a big change since we started to HE with Fran.
Fran has pottered at a variety of things, including trying to finish her book so she can mark off a star on the new reward bookmark which Claire brought her (owner of yet another new business there!) What esle they’ve been up to i’m not sure, but Amelie sat outside my office today with a shop of fimo blocks and she and Josie entertained themselves with that a lot.
Max and i have cleaned and decluttered a good bit and i’ve put new blue bedcovers into our room and hung dark blue curtains (decorating by stealth, fixtures and fittings only but no paint until i wear him down!) i need to hang my painting now but then it will be done. I’ve even put up, for the first time, the little picture Max bought me for our wedding. Aw 🙂 Max came home from last weeks business trip abroad with a stinking 24 hour flu type thing and was off on Friday – he still doesn’t look himself now at all. I had to do the shopping on Friday – that’s how bad it was!!!! 😯
I’ve bike rided again today (only had one near death dog experience, a marked improvement on a sunny day ride) and spent time contemplating the effect of bigger or small ears on evolution, the possibility that perhaps i should just give up and be happily fat but have a shorter life, why people would go on a family walk and stomp around one behind the other in total silence and on the possibilities of being married for another 40 years. I passed one couple who were fondly reminiscing about some field frolick in the past, while walking along holding hands with one hand and balancing on sticks in their other – and another couple who had disdain and boredom with each other written all over their faces. made me think reall; it’s a funny old thing we sign up to – a forever vow – if you break it, well, you break it – but if you choose to stick it out, you have so much to gain, but so much to lose if you made a bad decision. it’s quite frightening. I’m endlessly awed by people who stay married for 60+ years – but it would be a very long time to be unhappy. Must make sure we keep putting in the work to make it happy 🙂
lol… were hunter gathers assisted by larger ears that aided hearing and cooled the system as the ran, or slowed down wenough by wind resistance that they got eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger? It’s been bothering me for a while…. 😉
surely you would need some ENORMOUS ears to be slowed down by wind resistance!
I just mentioned this to Rich about five minutes ago and he seems very taken with the subject, he is still wittering on about evolutionary characteristcs.
Hope Max feels 100% again soon.
I think walks only serve one purpose
holding the hand of the one that you love
(the one roughly your age that you haven’t given birth to)
big kiss to all
Yep, I’m with Stella, I can’t imagine that ear size makes any great difference to running speed for humans – other wise sprinters would have some sort of ear sticker backer thing. Not really sure that the normal human ear size range really affects hearingAnyway I don’t see humans as esp. a prey species – more of hunter, hence the forward facing eyes for good stereoscopic vision.
Actually, whats interesting for humans is really we don’t have an esp. developed sense -we have ok eyesight, smell and hearing – but other animals can have them much more developed. I guess a reflection of our generalist nature, much better communication abilities etc.