Well today would be thrice argh!
I’ve had a hugely entertaining day, spending my time and irritatingly my own money, making calls to sort out the cock ups of three separate companies. 👿
First off was the letter from Royal Mail in answer to MY letter asking why they hadn’t changed the address of my home, to which all my business mail should be routed.They claimed, thism orning, not to have been paid for this service, or received the request to change it at all; clearly they had as a) i used to get it sent to the Sorting Office but for a few short days it arrived at my old neighbours home, thanks to a kindly new resident, a b) the person i spoke to today turned out to be able to clearly see my payment on their screen. *bangs head on wall* Turns out some mail got returned and ‘Birmingham’, may they be forgiven, decided to just cancel my PO Box instead and CLAIM i hadn’t paid for it anew. *ARGH* So that would be all recent catalogues, carefully requested at the Toy Fair and a host of customer cheques, all of which i now have to chase up and apologise about.
*ARGH* number 2 would be my bank, who rather stupidly listened to my original request for a card processing system and just gave me what i thought i needed instead of actually telling me how it needed to be done and advisingly me accordingly. Thanks to a thread on a forum and Claire, we spotted last night that this actually meant they had set me up, quite knowingly and they agree that they have several recordings detailing it, with a system that actually breaches their own terms and conditions, unwittingly (or perhaps witlessly) costing me rather a lot of money for 3 years for something i can only use to do about a 1/5 of the job i need it for. Though, without me even having to raise my voice, they’ve conceded the errors and agreed to set up the other half of it for free so in the end i will actually have something better than i might have. But had it not been for the thread and Claire, i could have ended up in real trouble, just because an advisor couldn’t be bothered to actually think. Never assume a customer knows what they are talking about. 😕
The icing on the cake is that the only phone in the house that can receive incoming calls from a call centre as a rule is mystifyingly not accepting any incoming calls at all 👿 So i’ve spent the day receiving emails from the colleague of someone in a call centre who does have external email access and then calling back the people who have caused me all this hassle in the first place.
To give them their dues, each and every one of them has been incredibly apologetic and not tried to pass the buk at all – but ARGH. This is why running a business takes so much bloody time, because you spend half your life shovelling someone elses poopidoop.
*wishes she still had her wall emoticon*
Fortunately the kids had Claire and Charlie here and have played, crafted and socialised to their heats content with Claire taking full and competent charge, bless her.
Snort… welcome to our world, only we get other peoples drunks to argue with too…
Oh gods, what a horrible thought. Although, at one point during the entire process i did seriously consider defending my mental state with a layer of vodka between them and my brain cells.
We just rolled in the aisles all day. Actually, we also rolled in the Isles, Delhi, Cardiff and one or two other places too, from wha ti could tell.
I really wish banks would work out that paying people with a flimsy grip on English and no knowledge of the banking system, in Outer Mongolia was not good. I hated working in the bank and i hated its “work from the bottom upwards” mentality but it did have a certain place. At least by the time you got let loose on a customer, you knew what was going on.
Geez, things aren’t like they used to be 🙄
🙂 sounds like a fun day!!!!!
urgh! thrice urgh! ;0) A friend recently askedme if I’d thought about being self employed again…. :0/
it isn’t just banks. The number of ppl who appear to just exist to make other ppl’s lives difficult is really quite amazing.
I could do way more than two rants about that…
Hoping that tomorrow will be thrice A-hah!
Have a few Eureka moments.
After studying Business and Finance for four years, I learned one thing, never, ever set up your own business. lol
thank you for doing the hands Merry :o)
It sounds very busy at yours !!