But there is a lot that is good about ordinary 🙂
Marshalled the children early and got some work out of them; EC for Fran, a whole P&J book from Maddy (woot!) and then some Studydog, some Fimo and writing from Amelie (and Josie… “i do my maffs mummy..”This, along with bits of blogging, some fights with the wireless and some tidying, plus some gossiping with Lucy, took me to later than i’d intended for leaving for the Petits Haricots.
Ah well, no change there then. 🙄
We had a gorgeous day, as ever and they’ve blogged it so nicely that i shan’t bother to do it again. Always enjoy being with them; Chris would make an excellent man to be henpecked by two women 😉 He’s very goodnatured about it 😆
I’ve nicked this lovely picture so i have it to look at forever 🙂 Playhouse is fab; my children want one. If i got one, I’D go and live in it 😆
Slightly spoiled my Valentines loveliness (which had been noneexistant anyway!) by forgetting i’d said i’d pick Max up from work, so got home to find he was still at work waiting for me! 😳
Ah well. More visiting tomorrow. Can’t wait! AND have had a nice busy day on the site (cue instant retail death tomorrow!) with levels of an Octoberly type thing. Excellent. Roll on some profit 😉
Went to a friend’s house this afternoon and her husband had sent her the most enormous bouquet of a dozen red roses. We were awestruck and slightly envious but I had an afterthought that Marcus done the same I would have given him such a hard time over the complete waste of money!
hiya Merry – blotted my address out – cheers had an even more asleep than usual today my heads mush – love all the beads though – i must get some for Lana.
Ok, I’m not exactly the worlds greatest romantic, but to me buying stuff (flowers, awful cards, pink champagne whatever) on valentines day doesn’t really seem romantic, esp. if you would never otherwise have done it, just yet another way in which things are commercialized (is it less romantic to give red poses tomorrow when they are being flogged of cheap?) . doing it on some other day, just because you decided to, seems a much more romantic gesture.
anyway, great to have some good playhouse testers 🙂
ooops about Max.
no valentines day here. chris proposed to me on valentines day, well sot of, since I was on call, he proposed the day before or after – can’t quite remember. And I think that sums up nicely our romanticness!! Luckilly I know that metaphorically he strews rose petals before me wherever I go [belly laugh]
love the mosaic picture
my love, I wasn’t denigrating the lack of romance! I am no more romantic!!
Nah, we’re hopeless. Sometimes one of us will do it, then the next year the other will feel they should but the first won’t have – so now we just avoid it like the plague!
Poor Max!!
I have a mother cat here, says the kitten is in Heavenly – hope you can find a few minutes to bring her back sometime today? lmk when’s good for you 🙂
Oooh – will do 🙂
Ooops about Max, lol! I forgot to ask C how the dentist had been and then cooked him burnt meatballs. He was touched, obviously 🙂
It’s so funny seeing the younger ones so keen, isn’t it? E picked up a puzzle book yesterday morning and Buttercup sat there fake-whining, “Wooorrrrkboooook, wooorrrrkbooooook!”
SB also does maffs – an old singapore earlibird that she colours in! since she can count to six [1,2,6] there is no stopping her!