Decided last night i absolutely had to just have some “completely normal” time today and get my feet back on the ground. Emma kindly agreed to come a different day instead, so we started the day with everyone just doing “normals” while Lucy packed parcels. Bliss, a weekends worth of work done in 2 hours, not by me 🙂
That meant i was able to be much more hands on with everyone and spent time hanging over the backs of chairs while people did stuff, which was great. Pleased to see how many 5 letter words Maddy is now recognising easily, pleased to see Fran happily on all the Yr 5 stuff in EC and amazed to see Amelie independently finding herslef stuff to write out, copy and embellish. She copied out a Maisy book beautifully and wrote her name in a self-invented robot script. It was rather cool.
Then Aunty Sue came and i got 2 hours off 🙂 So i wnet out for a cycle ride, which was great, especially as mid cold monday means a distinct reduction in the number of people out walking dogs on invisible retractable trip wires (WHO thought they were a good idea? They don’t help, they just make the possibilities of what the dog might do even more predictable. If you are cycling along at 12 miles an hour they aren’t exactly easy to see anyway and then there is the added anxiety that the owner might suddenly reel the dog in right across your path!)
Came home for an even more blissful shower, fitness levels still being low enough that a 6 mile cycle ends with me thinking “tghank god i made it back again” as opposed to “ho hum, home already” and a moochy lunch by myself in front of the computer while Sue fed and entertained them all. Feel remarkably recharged for it. She’s coming again next week 🙂
Had planned to do some SOTW in the afternoon but the kidlets all got embroiled in a game together, mostly with sung dialogue (!) so i left them to it until later when i did borax snowflakes with each of them. Will do photos if they work tomorrow.
So, the relative peace meant i’ve got most of the first batch of jewellery beads and findings up on BM now and if i can just get all the sewing and crafting kits up tonight and the photos on all the craft supplies tomorrow, i can let Google loose.
I think i’ve got a free evening. Sarah, fancy a quick wifi tonight? I’ve got all re-hooked 🙂
yeah that would be cool, I think! Shall we try and catch each other on im somewhere later?
Yeah, i’ve got Aurora coming round at 8.16 in Puddley, but Beau will have heavenlys gates open in a bit, just in case i can’t see my laptop 🙂
Hannah looked at the glass beads, and immediately compiled a vast shopping list, which I will need to seriously reduce! She is really into glass beads atm – but I’m trying to remind her that they just can’t be treated like plastic pony beads, in a sort of semi-disposable way. But she wants to know (and so do I, in a never-thought-about-it-before,-but-now-you-mention-it type way) – why are they called findings?
Um…. i know a place to ask!!!!
Hopefully i'[ll have a lot more beads soon, but it is tricky finding suppliers as everyone in the business seems to be a tad obtuse 🙂
Those indian glass ones look lovely with the bone, miracle and rocaille ones though – i’ve done some samples that i must put up 🙂 Actually, i’ve stiull got beads to put up too!
I went shopping Joyce 🙂
You will announce when you put the new beads up won’t you, Merry 😉
I think i probably will 😉
I cannot connect to Sarah’s blog. Don’t seem to have trouble with anyother that I know of.
Also I was at a friends who has broadband via Tesco and she cannot connect to my blog or any other google blogs or the ring hub although I got her to patchofpuddles fine and could click next to Bob&Katy’s then it would click on.
Any ideas as to why from anyone?
Sorry Merry for using your blog for this!
If you object you can delete me.
Mich xx
Lots of people have said they can’t access my blog a lot of the time recently. Must see if technical support have any answers 😉 I’m not having any problems!