Thursday was our 2 inches of snow day; persuaded the children to wait until the promised afternoon blizzard, on the basis that it would give them that extra bit to have fun with but it never arrived. They went out anyway, with Emma assisting them ably (i hate being out in snow, too cold, too annoying, too much bending, too many children who get all dressed up, go out for 2 minutes and then want to go in) – they stayed out quite a while for a change, made a snowman
looked at ice crystals, threw snow, fed the rabbits and generally had a pleasant time. Joey stayed out nearly the longest in the end, so perhaps she is made of sterner stuff than the others were at 2 years old. Or better insulated 😆
Aside from that they made hama bead snowflakes, had stories, watched a film, did education city, some maths and a few other bits. Amelie spent ages drawing, Maddy was reading and writing in her own fashion, Josie was at the tail end of being irritating.
My dad was supposed to come down, but didn’t risk it due to the snow; my postman had said the A1 was slow in the morning but it was raining here by 2pm, though Dad lives nearer to the West Midlands though, so they still had snow there. We keep having to delay this visit, which is sad, but maybe next week. Then Brownies was cancelled, ostensibly because of the snow but it sounded to me like Brown Owl had a very bad cold, which was probably just the icing on the cake (if you pardon the pun.) Hm. Shall we finish off our Polar activities with Iced Buns?
Friday we spent a lot of the morning waiting for the student to arrive, but she’d overslept and never came. I’ve yet to have a student make it through a whole block week 🙄 Working weeks must be a bit of a shock at the end of the course! So while we waited, Fran did a load of fractions in MPH4, making things have common denominators and adding them, which she was just about getting the hand of by the time the section ended. My one beef with MPH over the 3rd edition is that they’ve cut down the practising TOO far somehow. We’ll have to go looking for some more stuff and do some hands on types of work too i think. Maddy did loads of EC and i can’t remember what the little two did. i can’t remember anything these days. They seem to be recovered though; both back to normal and i can only assume that Josie got a very light dose of it thanks to being breastfed still 🙄
During the morning i got another new stock delivery (don’t ask, what on earth made me agree to a deal with 30 odd new lines in it i can’t think 🙄 ) and it so happened to have some winter themed kids tapestry kits in it so they each had one of those (cheap enough for it really not to matter!) and settled to them. Fran and Maddy have made a good start, the other two were happy for a while but then got bored.
Max got home and took them off to dancing, leaving just Joey and i to play. We watched some spanish, danced to Dora and engaged in a “how many ways can mummy distract Josie so she doesn’t demand milk” game. Not nearly enough, it turned out, although she liked making me screech by sticking her finger in my tummy button. So i chucked her in the bath and lay on the floor talking to her about nothing in particular. I love having a conversational 2 year old.
Cooked family tea (radical departure from norm as i’m not renown for my ability to do more than freezer food, but i managed spagbog) and then did a couple of hours work putting new products on the site (which you can’t actually see yet because they haven’t sent me images, snow slowed downloads no doubt, but they will be up soon) and wondered why on earth i was killing myself running a business that just means i never switch off, never relax, never spend enough time with my kids and never seem on top of. I do a 40 hour week on BM sometimes, nevermind being a home educating mum, housewife, wife and person – and i’m not altogether sure i like it 😥 i wish i could take a sneaky peek into the future and see if it will be worth it at some point, but of course i can’t and at times i’m left wondering if there is really any point in being stuck half way between tiny business and small business 🙁
Today the kids and Max have made lego trebuchets, the big girls have sewed glove puppets (more new stock) and played Playmobil and i’ve been for a bike ride to burn off 4 breadsticks and 3 tablespoons of houmous and tried to work. And yes, if you haven’t spotted it, i’m completely miserable… but feel free to stop reading, because i’m only going to whine from here on in.
Since i gave up my pills and started eating more healthily i’ve put on 8lbs – which seems slightly unfair and just makes me want to go back to swilling anti-depressants down with vodka and eating biscuits. Business is tough and worrying and difficult and i swing wildly from loving it to hating it and never stop thinking about it. And the pressure is on; it could be our exit path from Peterborough, hell, it might even be my path to somewhere with real snowfalls – but i’ve got to make it happen and i’m worried about what passes by in the meantime. I know it isn’t like i have to earn our living, that wouldn’t suit me at all, but the future is weighing heavily on my mind.
And then.. well, i’ve overdone it. I’ve had 4 very nice weeks where i’ve either been away or had someone here all the time and i’ve enjoyed them very much but i’ve forgotten how much more fragile i am than i used to be and it’s not done me any good. I’ve gone all attachment disordered again. I’m all weepy and clingy, things are bothering me that shouldn’t be and right now i feel like i’m hovering between feeling like i have cried for 2 days and feeling like i need to. I realised the other day that i’d barely given headspace or thought to the whole April 2006 crap scenario for weeks and that made me feel utterly awful. And there we have it – the catch 22 of my entire future, right up til l the moment i die – feel crap if i think about it, feel crap if i remember i haven’t thought about it 😥 So i get to feel crap for feeling good too – hurrah. What a result that is.
I’ve got this awful feeling that when i’m 80 and my grandchildren are visiting my rocking self in an old folks home, i’m going to hear people say things like “well, her nerves went when she was in her 30’s and she’s never been the same since” and i think about my family, littered with slightly dotty women folk and i wonder what hope there is for me anyway. Maybe i’m just destined to become the next one of them, slightly distracted, slightly too grumpy and snarly, always a bit too sad somehow and needing my own space to be. And then i wonder what happened to all those women beyond the things i already know; women who were beaten, women who were the victims of bigamy, women who had affairs, women who were living with men that were worlds apart from them, women who lost children, lost babies, couldn’t have more when they wanted them, women who retreated into minor ill-health, women who soldiered on bravely through wars, brutality, leaving their homeland. What was the thing that finally tipped them over the brink so that i’ve only ever known them as just ever so slightly barmy? What possible chance is there that i won’t just be the next generation’s harmless nutcase ancestor?
I suppose 4 weeks of high baby ratios probably hasn’t helped either, plus that in that ineffable Merry-self-harming-mentality that i do so well, i’ve spent 24 hours reading birth stories, looking at baby pictures (of all types, oh yes, i really know how to do it to myself), going round the blogring and torturing myself and just to top it all, i’ve got a muscle twitching in my side that feels just EXACTLY like being pregnant and getting kicked. Joy.
So where was i with that putting it all behind me and getting on with life thing? Oh yes, well on the upside, Bridget Jones 2, with the “am i pregnant” bit last night didn’t make me cry, but then it made Max so uncomfortable that i had to be okay just so i didn’t worry him. But actually, it wouldn’t be that like him to be uptight about that, so perhaps i just imagined it.
Maybe i should go back on the pills. Or maybe i’ve got 6 months worth of PMT and that’s why i’ve put on 8lbs instead. Maybe i could just go and hide in my wardrobe.
Either way, get up my nose and you are likely to get the thin end of a viper bite, just in case you haven’t noticed. 👿
merry says
Erm. Yes. Well, till about 2 days ago. At least i can actually feel things again. Trouble is, i’d got used to not feeling anything.
merry says
I’ve never taken them longer than 6 months. Actually, i don’t really want to go back on them; weightloss seems like a bad reason. Maybe this phase is the temporary one – hope so.
Debbie says
I dont understand why you came off ADs in WINTER for goodness sake. My GP said she wanted me on them over the winter period and doesnt even think of reducing dosage until after british summer time begins!!
Do you feel better without them?
Debbie says
I think that phase was probably temporary, Merry. The average AD use is a year; some people need longer. You don’t make a broken leg stronger by walking on it.
Gill says
The fact that you’re feeling it & writing it will be different to your dotty old relatives, won’t it? Writing it especially, should keep you this side of dotty I’d have thought 😉
And your children are looking adorable and your BM site is looking very cool. And kudos to you for coming off the pills even though it hurts. Gah, this weather doesn’t help anyone to be cheerful either does it? 🙁
HelenHaricot says
ah merry, come and visit on wed – we are in as getting a delivery [odd for it to be us for a change!]
empathise totally wtih being grumpy and needing headspace, and not enough hours in the day.
bead merrilly looking fab. i guess the key thin is if the future possibilies is worth the here and now. and if the answer is stil yes, well I guess having TT and 2 employees may make it easier.
and hugs again for the AD’s and baby blogs
t-bird says
not sure I would want to come off ADs in winter but then you and me are so different that I don’t suppose that’s relevent. I do know that I avoid birth stories and baby pics unless they are of someone very close to me, but I don’t think that’s any “healthier” than going seeking them out.
Your business is fabulous and you deserve to be really successful with it. Heck, if I lived closeer I’d come and work for you for peanuts just so long as you gave staff discount on all the lovely products 😉
incidentally, Aprilia made a big fuss at Rainbows this week telling everyone that although Granny bought a few extra bits of uniform “most of if was my freind Maddy’s but she’s a *Brownie* now becuase she’s BIG”
HelenHaricot says
oh, and singpore maths have weekly revision and thinking maths books to run alongside them that give more practice as required.
Sarah says
fwiw I do still find I get huge hormones occasionally, despite Mirena – could it be something as simple as that? Hope you get a bit of rest over the w/e anyway. xxx.
Joanna says
The ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t think about it’ thing will pass, I promise. You will not still be feeling like that up until you die. You’re not even past the first anniversary yet – it’s bound to still be up and down. In a couple of years you’ll feel so much better that, although there will still always be the odd pang, it won’t torture you anything like it does now. Hang in there! Oh, and my Dr wants me to try coming off my ADs, too, but said not to even think about trying till after April!
Debbie Ellard says
Hi Merry,
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I was on AD for over a year after the Ectopic pregnacy, well I did not start them for about a year after but then things got to much. I came off them because like you I did not feel things like I should, and the zombie zone was not a place I really wanted to hang out. Its hard coming of them, and I know this is going to go against the flow I think in the longrun it will be better for you, it was for me. As for the baby thing you know my history each year its Feb and April and June for me and I get so sick of people saying “oh its alright for you, you have only got one”. Every time I remember a conversation in the car me and my hubby had we had just got married and we both really wanted three children and where so excited. This makes me cry often. But God has blessed us with our precious son and I focus on doing the best I can for him. Pain eases with time and I have faith that its not over till its over, nothing stays the same forever. With love and prayers for you.
Debbie E.
carol says
Coming off AD’s can lead to a rocky road for a while as your body has lost its prop and is working out what to do without it. I felt the numb feeling and always wondered if it was masking the pain rather than letting me deal with it, i dunno, just one of my random thoughts I guess but I came off and vowed never again, and I never have. Still have [many] days when I am ever so slightly unhinged when I wonder if I am doing the right thing though.
KWYM about torturing yourself, I am overdosing on babies this end and it helps and hinders all at once.
Debbie Ellard says
Sorry to post again, but have been thinking, I have never marked the loss of any of the three that I have lost and don’t really feel resolution about it if I am honest. Someone advised me once to have a small ceremony and mark the loss and speak to the child and possibly name it. I have never done this but will possibly now I think about it. If anyone would like to join me in this I am at Soz if this is weird for you.
Debbie Ellard says
Sorry, I mean speak about the child, not to it.
eeek to many posts.
merry says
Thanks all – not sure (well definitely sure not) that i deserve the sympathy but thank you. Cheered me up. Went and had a bath in a sunflower bathbomb to attempt to dispell SAD symptoms of all types 🙂
Debbie, will mail you. Not entirely surprisingly it’s something i’ve been thinking about a lot and as i know you know all about my situation, i’d like to chat.
carol says
Just reading again and wanted to agree with Debbie, Ceremonies are a great help in the healing process. You dont forget but life certainly becomes more accepable and time helps. Candles, letter writing, planting a tree…just some ideas but make it personal to you.
Ruth says
Just popped in to say I was on AD’s for 4 years and I am not on them now. It will get better and you are not going to end up some dotty rellie in a rocking chair.
Jan says
AD statistics: Royal Coll of Psych recommends staying on AD for at least 6months after feeling back to normal, preferably 12. Relapse rate for stopping too early is 2/3. Just my 2p.