I’ve just had an email from a US customer complaining they’ve been charged double. I pointed out they’d bought from a UK site, marked up in UK £’s and that the difference was purely that their card had converted it to $ and they said they weren’t aware of a difference in currency values between our countries!
????????? 😯
t-bird says
erm, no, it’s not you! There does seem to be an element in the US (but not all of them of course…) who aren’t really sure there is inteligent life outside their shores 🙄
Claire says
Doh! How strange when all through our holiday we had Americans comment to us that we “got” a good deal because of the amazing current exchange rate!!! Was the customer from the deep south??????
Debbie says
Well, they *are* American….
Milk Monster's Mum says
Well I’m not about to complain about all those American websites charging me half!
Maybe they don’t realise there IS any currency other than US dollars.
Steph M says
I agree with t-bird…*cringe* I find these sorts of stories make me want run down to home office to apply for a british passport!
and whileI never take offence to Americans being slagged off… Ouch! the dumb southener comment hurt, being a New Orleans native and all…
merry says
Ooops 😉 Glad it wasn’t me then 🙂
Lynsey Evans says
Actually, you saying that I was on a knitting website yesterday, thinking, ‘What bargains!’ It took me a moment to realise the site was American and the prices in dollars!! Oops!
carol says
ROFL! I have an American friend who still cant believe how cushy she has it!