I know to avoid the week with most of the teen dates in it in June for MP Summer Camp – when would people ideally like it to be?
And do i need to find a new venue? Is a duck filled camp near Lowestoft likely to be a tad off-putting?
I know to avoid the week with most of the teen dates in it in June for MP Summer Camp – when would people ideally like it to be?
And do i need to find a new venue? Is a duck filled camp near Lowestoft likely to be a tad off-putting?
Nic says
there is no prohibitive week for us and we love Kessingland so are more than happy to stick with that venue.
Joyce says
my mother has already been on the phone to ask me not to go to that bird-flu ridden place :–D If there were bigger kids going, I’d be up for another bash at it, really missed it last year.
merry says
Oh well, if you are going to risk it Joyce, i’ll book! You can’t say fairer than that kind of erm… damnit, whats the word…. thingy….
Ali says
Alison says
16th onwards woudl be great 🙂
You might be able to get more of a discount if we go back 😉 But I’m more than happy to try one of the other Park Resort places too. Finding somewhere completely new would be a pita and more likely more expensive.
HelenHaricot says
go book it.I thought we were going for late-teen? I’m on call for the weekend of 30/1st june and july junction. otherwise keeping myself free…
Joanna says
I’d really love to try somewhere else – I’m not mad about Kessie. But will come there if that’s where it is! Dates in June not a problem for me on the whole but would prefer to avoid 8/9 June (T’s and DH’s birthdays). Am very happy to do some web/phone research on other places if you like.
Lucy says
16th June would suit us perfectly, would like to avoid the first week of June if possible. We loved Kessingland but are equally happy to try somewhere else.
Roslyn says
If it’s after the 16th we’ll be able to make it!
Kath says
Kessingland is kind of a tradition now and we like it OK, and of course it’s not far for us to drive lol. Any time in June is fine for us I think. Trying to sort somewhere else out sounds like such a headache! Though we’d probably come even if it was somewhere else.
HelenHaricot says
actually there is a massively expensive cours [over 1000] that i should really go on the last week in june. I would do kessie instead, but even better to do both – make me totally broke!