Have spent today at The Old Manor with Michelle and Chloe which possibly saved Amelie’s life, given she kept me up till gone 3am this morning and she was by no means a daughter i even wanted to see again first thing today.
I’ve hit a bit of an impasse now and i’m far from sure how to figure it out; she started by (very definitely) faking fear of the were-rabbit in order to avoid bedtimes or get to go to bed in out room. Max gave in. Trouble is NOW i think she has actually suceeded in scaring herself but i have to say that the wee small hours are NOT NOT NOT the time to try my patience with it. She WANTS to be able to sleep in our bed all night, but the only one of them who doesn’t want to do that is Maddy, although when she doesn’t she does then swing it round her head like a weapon at times in the manner of a girl grieviously ignored. 🙄 Last night Amelie kept up a sold wail/sneak in/be scared of the wind/shadow/toys things for 3 hours or more until i was actually at the point of wanting to murder her slowly and was certainly NOT being a very nice mummy anymore. It is quite hard to be patient to that extent and the crunch of it is i refuse to cope with it; black riders, dementors, these things are scary – plasticine rabbits with wallace inside that like to eat carrots… oh bah.
Anyway, Michelle and Chloe (and Marcus at times) entertained us beautifully with much food, playing, tea (no tea bags HERE now!) and chat.
Managed to divert myself temporarily on the way home and nearly end up in Milton Keynes (why is the Black Cat roundabout called that; anyone know?) Don’t think even Sat nav saves one the mindnumbing stupidity of just choosing the wrong road!
Got home to a few orders (wail) although sympathy orders much appreciated 😉 and an email reply (a personal real one!) from my favourite author who i emailed last week after i finished her book. Made me go all silly 🙂 She’s a bit of a writing idol of mine 🙂
Buzz can watch Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings etc etc but nearly died when he watched the The Were Rabbit film! He is bloody terrified! I go with it seeing as I have really irrational fears. Two of mine wuold live in our bed if we let them but Boo has never ever slept with us, it breaks my heart but she hates to be touched, when she gets married it’ll be like those 1950 sitcoms with two beds!
I know. I’m probably being really unfair but i just feel she’s really manipulating us. Last night we agreed on an anti-were-rabbit sign and we had no trouble at all!.
I know how you feel about Boo; Maddy actually isn’t that bad, she does enjoy cuddles but she very much seeks out her own space too.
Oh, I can’t stand having all night bed guests! They get a cuddle and sent on their way 🙂 buzz however is very clever at getting in the middle without me noticing until it’s too late and I have no energy to get up and remove him! We’re on star charts for it atm!
So are we! ROFL… that it has come to this….
M can’t bear being alone if he wakes in the night. He is genuinely terrified and A might be, having worked herself from a minor worry to a full scale terror. We stopped M from coming into our bed in the end by allowing him to sleep in a sleeping bag on our floor if he came in during the night. The aim being that he wouldnt be alone and would be reassured but hopefully wouldnt be too comfortable, so that his own bed might become more appealing. It’s not ideal but we got to the stage that we all needed some sleep and having him quiet and going back to sleep albeit on our floor was preferable to having us up all night. Hope she gets over her fear soon. I used to be frightened of shop dummies when I was her age and was convinced they would come in my room in the night and ‘get’ me. Im still suspicious of them lol!
About 1920 a garage and car repair workshop was set up at the junction of the A1 and Bedford Road, with the photo below taken some time pre-war. In 1940 a Mr Carter owned the Black Cat garage. It was taken over by a Mr Stevenson who opened a night club there. It was used as a restaurant for some time before becoming derelict for many years. Then Shell opened a garage there. In the 80’s the current large covered petrol station was opened.
Did you really want to know?
“From the 1920’s everyone local to the area got to know the Black Cat Garage, and hence to refer to the Black Cat Roundabout when it was constructed. So basically the name has been passed down from the original Black Cat Garage.
The metal Black Cat takes its shape from the original on the clock tower above. The Cat is now on holiday waiting for the new roundabout to be finished after which it will once again look after the roundabout night and day.”
Lots of tea HERE!
I think the cat might be back.
We have tea too now 🙂
PS. Thank you. My bet was a Black Cat Pub.