On thursday i had mild jaw ache when i left Nic’s with enough swollen ulcery skin around my teeth to wonder what was up with it but i’ve had raging earache for 3 days, which has finally begun to subside today, thank goodness. I’m no stranger to stupid tonsils and horrendous temperatures, so it has been almost novel to be only slightly ill. Touch wood, my tonsils haven’t gone into overdrive about it either, so that has to be a good sign. I’ve not had a bad bout of all that now since last March/April. I’m assuming that the odd sensation that my head was spinning faster than my brain and that someone keeps electrocuting me under the chin has had something to do with the ear infection too; the world seems to have stopped spinning 😆
Maddy and i visited the opticians on Saturday; me because i don’t appear to be able to do quick changes between close and far anymore (making road sign reading hard and possibly contributing to getting lost!) and Maddy because she spends so much time asking for plot details of films that we suddenly wondered if she could actually see the screen. But she has better than perfect vision (how???) so i guess it is just a comprehension thing 🙄
‘Eye’ on the other hand, need glasses. (Boom, boom) Marvellous way to spend £150. Wail.
The rest of the weekend has just bumbled by; watercolouring for the girls, visits from Grandad, a cycle ride or two, endless tidying and a bit more body part building. I’ve uploaded a load of new prodects to BeadMerrily too, mainly Fimo stuff but it has been woefully quiet on there and i’m feeling fretful again. 🙄
Have a collection of things wombling about in my head, but right now, i need to go and stick James’ head on his **** 😉
Sarah says
I love the look of those jewellery making sets – the girls would love them too – any chance you could bring a couple to Melrose for me? Only I can’t decide which ones …!!
merry says
Yes, i’ve got a couple of new ones too. Get the blue one, it has cutters and you can then do loads more besides 🙂
I’m bringing a shop remember 🙂
Sarah says
fab, thank you 🙂
merry says
2 pairs 🙂 They are jolly nice, but still!
DaddyBean says
Well, I hope they are jolly nice glasses. Since I’ve never ever spent £150 on glasses
HelenHaricot says
lots of nice stuff!! may never dare visit again!
merry says
Ah, you up too 🙁
Debs says
Some lovely stuff you have there! I have just chosen a maxi set for Fynn, and a Winnie the Pooh mobile kit too, than I had to leave before I bought anymore! ;o) Looking forward to getting them!