… in the direction of my lovely friend Kate, who is being induced today, having finally gone as far along the line of coping with being hugely pregnant and having a trapped gallbladder as she can cope with.
Kate is as close as a sister to me and if ever there was a baby precious to me, this is the one, just because she has waited so long to dare to try again after all the sadness that has surrounded their first child. Please, please, please let it all be okay, Kate come through easily and safely and all be well with this child; she’s been through so much and just for once, she deserves some luck.
She is the bravest woman in the world to me and i just can’t bear for her to have more to cope with, so if prayers, thoughts and vibes can do it, she needs them all.
will do. Keep us updated won’t you. lots of love.
Will be thinking of her. Looking forward to hearing good news 🙂
Everything crossed here. You know where I am. Much love.
Good luck Kate! Sending very best wishes for her.
everything crossed here, hope it’s al over by now and she’s cuddling a wonderfully fit, strong, healthy baby.
Please keep us in the loop.
No news except that the induction is currrently not working (wobble) so they don’t expect anything before tomorrow. Bit tough for someone who popped her first out in 3 pain free hours last time.
I’m a jinx on my friends i think 😕
Good vibes from me too.
You are not a jinx. Not a chance. 🙂
Not at all – often it’s those women who do the long, slow, early or latent phase of labour who then have a quick and easy time once labour finally establishes. Try not to worry.
lol… putting quick, easy and labour into the same sentence is such a tricky thing for me ;0
I’ve had a long talk with her tongiht and there is an outside chance i might be hotting footing it back for birth-partnering tomorrow 😯
So you’re going to sleep well tonight, lol! If she needs you I KNOW you’ll be great. Will be thinking of you both xxx
well, i am hoping it all goes very smoothly. and if you do need to hot foot back from the wilds, then do so safely!
Looking forward to today’s update, and hope you were ok driving in this wind!
hope all went well, and looking forward to an update.
merry, hope you are doula’ing’, and that all is well.
just had a phonecall to say the mudpud meeting is cancelled tomorrow and the man can’t find anyone to tell!!!!
so please, anyone who can announce it, do!
No news so far; nothing was happening at lunch time.
oh, thanks for putting it here, as we were going to mud pud tomorrow
Thinking of Kate and hoping it all goes well – the last part of her pregnancy seems to have gone quickly!
Come here Helen?
Spoken to kate; 3 lots of gel in and nothing is happening.
Claire – i’ve seen the new hama kits; you are going to adore them!
oooh….. it’s all go now. Waters gone 🙂