Am just loving how motivated my kids are at the moment 🙂 Getting Fran to work is virtually simple-pimple and she appears to be really something out of being able to apply herself. So first of all she did a unit on Penguins and finished that off, then she finished reading Matilda. Hurrah! Planning on her blogging a book review for that.
Maddy did endless Studydog and then a load of EC and then they joined in with some complex game that the little two were playing. I made popcorn for lunch, in the absense of any food of noteworthy consequence and the children feated on bread and butter and played at being hard done by Matildas and Wolves of Willoughy Chasers.
Fairly late on, i sat and read the second half of the chapter on the Rise of Islam together which ended with a list of the 5 Pillars. So we discussed those and tried to relate them to Christian “ways of life” and also to people and children we knew. So we covered Hajj and pilgrimage and footage we’ve seen recently on television, prayer and how it relates to people (and specifically children) we know and Ramadam and what it means (Fran thought she probably wouldn’t be able to do this!) We talked about the moving nature of the event, due to lunar calendars and the implications of not drinking water through hot, long summer days. So covered that from a few angles.
In the midst of that my FIl arrived to find me lecturing the kids on Islam while draped in a scarf i had hastily grabbed to try and “modest” the naked Josie who had hauled out one of my breasts for a “SOTW feed”. Hmph. I think he did wonder what on earth was going on, so i did find myself stressing the “this is what our friends do” thing and talking about Christian tithes/comparisons a bit more so he didn’t wonder if we were about to covert 😆 However, it was probably good to do so for the girls and he learned stuff too, so he told me!
Got the girls to do a cuple of the mapwork bits from the Activity book and now can come back to it another day.
How about a comment from a new person, would that maybe count as a bonus point 😉 Been reading the blog for ages now, love it… never usually comment….figured it was bout time i did 🙂
Happy now? 🙂
lol. reminds me of when i was flirting with islam, if that can be said, and wore a scarf on the underground – i was sure i had been caught on cctv and there would be a picture of me in the news that my mum would see. roflol.
you know, converting was one of best moments of my life! now i get to wear it all the time. lol. wink. it amazes me how often ppl ask ‘how do you do it?’
everybody should have a go and feel precious, lovely, special, *soul* beautiful.
oh, go on then. it *is* hot in summer. i’ll concede that point. but doesn’t change the wonderfulness of it for a moment.
‘and in winter it keeps your ears warm’. lovely.
haven’t seen you for ages. is aw regular?
Sorry, we called in a sick day at our house and though I read I didnt comment.
Actually I am incredibly impressed at the whole self-motivated child thing. A by product of never having to enter the school gates I suspect as I can barely get my children out of bed let alone motivated, lol.
I cant believe how wonderfully well your girls reading is coming on. Whats the difference between the free studydog and the pay-for one? We got the free one a month or two ago but it never captured Em’s interest so was wondering whether the pay-for one would be better.
Is the Islam bit from SOTW book one? The girls have touched on it when we watched class tv but I didnt think I had anything on the subject.
Anyway, well done you and the girls.
Now, THAT isn’ty true at all (i know you are pulling my leg) – i just didn’t want him thinking i was secretly indocrinating them into something behind Max’s back (particularly as draped in a genuine scarf 🙂 ). i have been known for my fads in the past 🙂
Oh K 🙂 Long time no see. Not sure but we casn certainly meet up 🙂 I’m mostly away this week, but next week?
*giggles* glad you stressed that to him. I mean, you wouldn’t want *anyone* to think you were one of them MUZLIMS now 😛 lol
that sounds good.
oK then merry, what is a unit study in penguins – as in have you bought a science/naTURE INVESTIGATORS PACKAGE, OUT O A BOOK OT WHAT? bugger caps lock, but it hurts to type, so not doing it again. not shouting though!
and tofl at fram, no, i don’t think she is the fasting type.