…well, Charlie and Lola is the perfect sisterly activity for after lunch, isn’t it? And where better to have a group read than tucked up in bed 🙂
While i was out at the nursery today (still can’t believe how up for it Amelie is!) Fran and Maddy were left with Lucy and strict instruction to do Studyfdog and EC until i got back. They were still at their computers when i got back 😆 I must have scared them 😆
Fran and Maddy wanted to do some drawing of Antarctic and African animals so i broke out some new pens (new stockline!) and the DWN book, issued strict instructions about not leaving them unattended as they were nice books, i didn’t have time to do my normal photocopy of pages to use and i didn’t want them damaged, especially since we’ve taken good care of them and they are pristine.
Make that were pristine. 45 minutes later i come down to find them unattended except for Josie, who was emiting that special kind of silence that mummy-radars pick up very slightly too late, and who had thoroughly felt-tipped a double page in each book. :wall:
They got into rather a lot of trouble for that; i was furious with them for leaving it all lying about, for leaving lids off pens, for just not caring AT ALL about our stuff or anything that i say to them. i really wonder at times if i just see them fondly when actually they are utter spoilt brats. Made me really angry. They both lost £5 of their saved up pocket money to replace the books and lost their free time for the hour after that. I reduced Josie to a quivering heap too, but only to make the point that drawing in books isn’t okay; it isn’t like she really realised that it wasn’t okay. She probably thought they were colouring books.
Maddy then had to do some more EC (but not much punishment, she loves it!) and Fran did a unit study on Penguins. She is way overtired, she is staying up too late and it is showing. Still, we all forgave each other after that and got ready for dancing.
I’ve got evenings sussed now and Friday is the ideal end; they can, all 3, have 2 back-to-back lessons and i’ve got time to nip home and drop Josie off before collecting them. Perfect. Once Maddy is in Brownies, life will be much simpler. I’ve got this vague plan that if the little ones go to nursery on a Tuesday, E is here Wed and Thurs and i take them all to EO groups, MP group and Activity World on a Friday, i should have tireder children and a tidier house 🙂
And now i’m playing with beads; i’ve just made my first bangle with memory wire (research you understand) and a necklace with miracle beads and i’m set for a pleasantly early night. I’ve been luxuriating in rosepetal Lush bathbombs that i got for my birthday among a heap of other lush things and a selected few may even see me in a skirt tomorrow, another of my ace birthday presents. I think it was my best set of pressies ever, when you add in the family meal out, the birthday bear pic and the lovely necklace and bracelets Amelie chose me.
What is memory wire?
It comes delivered a bit like a slinky; it willkeep its shape no metter what and you thread beads on it to make a bracelet/necklace that is open ended buty grips on just by being coiled. Very cool. I’m wearing one 🙂
Memory wife sounds good, a bit like those specs you can sit on, pull about and generally wreck but still wear them!
I love that rose petal bath-bomb too, well until it time to clean the bath that is!
photo of the memory wire necklace/bracelet then please!
oh and by the way, i upgraded my firefox this morning and it’s fine now!
Will do; charging camera though before i go off to Barbara’s; am going to do a page of ideas though ready for when i put it all on the site 🙂
can I have a bracelet please? 🙂 am feeling bad now that you haven’t got my birthday present. I is nice though. I think I just made a spelling mistake but I can’t see it. 😳 ps why has your :wall: stopped working on your post? I can’t even do that on mine which is a bit disappointing cos I like it.
*toddles off*
Grr to girls not taking care of those wonderful books! It is such a shame when they (by which I mean kids in general – not just yours!) don’t get why you are asking them to do something liek taht but I don’t think it’s anything to do with being spoilt or in any other way flawed etc, just that they don’t “get” value somehow.
By the way, when I put stuff in teh comments box it goes “off the edge of the page” and doesn’t show up on the green bit at the side which is my excuse for any more than normally bezarre typos!
rofl lin at ‘memory wife’ i guess she stays where you put her till you come back?