In general i liked the nursery very much and particularly liked the girl who showed us round. It has a pleasant feel to it, they seem quite switched on to the fact that the flipping Foundation Stage is far from the be all and end all of life and very responsive to the kids needs. I believed the atmosphere a good bit more than i believed the one of Fran’s old private nursery – and i liked the fact that many of the staff were my age, not fresh out of college.
I also grinned quite a bit when she noticedthat Josie, having largely turned her nose up at the toddler room, got stuck straight in to the pre-school room. Though they have to be careful because of the funding arrangements, there are opportunities for swap over, so hopefully Josie will get to spend time in there and would be there permanently by the time she was 3 . There were other reasons for her being less sure of the toddler room too, like that we saw it first and lots of the little ones came over to see her straightaway.
Amelie is itching to go. They can take her for nearly 18 months,should she choose to do it and she’ll get vouchers for that too. The Montessori Directress does mornings and Amelie made a beeline straight for that area and got fascinated by it. We’re arranging for them to do some settling in days between now and Melrose and then start straight after. Josie will do one medium sized day, Amelie will go as often as she and vouchers can be made to work. I expect that will end up being one extra morning or something but we’ll see.
So, unexpectedly we’re back into Early Years Provision again, after me swearing i was done with it. I suspect it will be a good thing though,for all concerned.
We had positive feelings about both the nurseries ours went too, hope this works out better for Amelie that the last experience. I reckon Josie will love it.
I suspect we will use nursery or playgroup again for BB once the vouchers kick in for her next year.
funnily enough we went to look at a nursery today as well and I liked it and Rowan seemed to like it. We’re going for a settling in hour next week and then some more the week after before I go back to work. Coincidence or what!! 🙂
Well, there you go!
It sounds very positive Merry, its great that the girls like it too.
Hope it all goes well for the settling in times and you all get out of it what you want
Love the new template by the way! 🙂
sounds great! REally hope it works well for you and the girls.
I think having a good feeling about somewhere your child is going to go is so important and half the battle. Having the girls liking it is the other half.
When we found our childminder for Seb we just felt right about it, in fact every time I drop him off/collect him and see how content he is I just feel so happy with our decision.
Good luck with it all