I’ve got all these new beads and i have to manage to take the photos myself, using a minimum ability camera and fairly basic lights etc. So this is my first half decent go. Obviously you don’t know what the beads look like, but in fact it is pretty much right i think, so… if you saw this on a website, would you think it was acceptable or would you turn away? And if you’d turn away, what can i do better and how?
Alison says
The bigger pic looks better, so make sure you put a ‘click to enlarge’ bit under the photo or something, But they pretty much had me drooling. Please don’t invite me to visit any time soon!
merry says
Giggle. These aren’t even close to the nicest 🙂
I think i can photograph less and get closer, which ought to help a bit though but yes, i’ll have a click to enlarge on it 🙂
Jo says
Been lurking for a while now….any kind of bead has me drooling!
Roslyn says
I’m with Alison. They’re lush! I have a thing for beads…
Lucy says
Really like the beads – the larger photo quality seems fine to me.
Swiss Clare says
Hi Merry,
Slowly coming out of blog ring lurkdom!
As a regular bead buyer, something that can help is a size comparison (have seen it done next to a 50p piece).
Apart from that, good photography.
And luscious beads…..may have to go shopping…….