More Antarctic stuff today; must admit, *I* am now becoming fascinated by this topic. Gosh i love HE sometimes 😆
Our student started and(thank goodness) she seems very able, personable and kid-friendly. There is such a difference between the types of students in different courses, BTEC ones are always a massive step up in ableness. Kids took to E straightaway and she was really interested and ready to get stuck in.
I got E to sit with Maddy while she did EC (Jenny, Education City ) and she gave me a very clear report back on what Maddy was unsure of. Then she sat with Fran and read a chapter on Ernest Shackleton with her, helping her with words and we bemoaned the odd difficulty there is with defining words without actually using the word again! I got her to supervise lunch while i cleaned the kitchen and phoned the nursery (have had phonecall back, going to look round friday morning) and then in the afternoon she played Junior Monopoly with them. Have two very funny photos of that, must flickr them later; i think Maddy is a budding property tycoon. Apparently she was ruthless!
After she left, Fran started another blog and Maddy Studydogged again (I’m good to you Jenny!)
We’re celebrating tonight, i’ve had the SP on new Hama products, i’ve ooged my new beads some more and started to put away all that other new stock. I’ve had a huge order today, £171 and i laughed loads when the woman said “can you make sure it arrives on a weekday so my husband doesn’t see it?” I promised 😉 Oh, and be fawned over by a man selling cardboard boxes. Well, you have to take your kicks where you can get them once you can divide your age by 11 for the 3rd time. I remember my mum turning 33; i was convinced they were far too old to have sex anymore 🙄
There’s been a lot of film footage made about Shackleton – we have the Channel 4 Kenneth Branagh version if you fancy borrowing it? But there have been other versions made since if you prefer retail therapy 😉
Oh, ours is this one –
Yes please, yes please, yes please!
Like the new look
It’s noce 🙂
I’m a BTEC girl 🙂 We are of course the best.
hmm has my comment got eaten? Like the new look. It sounds very organised :0)
I think you commented below.
I do like it; i’m also quite entertained by how the BM logo sits exactly at the bottom of my screen when the page opened. i had to put the ring codes in an outrageously low place just so it would!
Happy Happy Birthday. Seems like you’ve been very busy and had a successful day. 33 ain’t so bad. 😉