Tagged by Nic at MonsterTeeny
Six weird things about me.
Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.
1. I only have 1 toenail and the majority of my other toes are either jointless, boneless or have a slit where the nail nearly grew but didn’t. No one has any idea why this happened, but Max is convinced i wore them away, as i tend to rub my feet together subconsciously when asleep if i am worrying about things.
2. I went to Drama School, 1 of the most coveted ones but failed to be a luvvie and left after a year. Most people consider it a) astonishing that i went to drama school and b) astonishing that i walked out, which i did on a sunny day by sticking my fingers up at the second year currently making my life hell because i hated sound equipment and telling him to “f*ck off and go to h*ll.” 24 hours after leaving London, i was living in Settle being an au pair.
3. I don’t like coffee. I thought i’d grow into it, but i haven’t. it stinks and the smell is still better than the taste. Chocca Mocha is merely a corruption of an otherwise nectar-like drink and i don’t care who says otherwise.
4. Astonishingly, as i suspect this is not how i appear at times, i think about how other people are feeling and doing more than i think about myself. I actually do care about what is going on in peoples lives’ who i know and it makes me ridiculously sad when i know people are having a rough time. I’ve never quite worked out how this makes me fake and a bad person 😉
5. I didn’t go to university. For a long time, this seemed to be a defining thing about me, that i had perfectly good grades but didn’t choose to use them to do something “useful.” I suspect this had everything to do with not being able to see what would be useful about going and judging by my siblings levels of student debt, i think i was probably right 😉 . Particularly as i’m doing exactly what i wanted to do, without having to go. And have no debts. And had a string of jobs that gave me a wide experience of things i never want to do again but were quite useful. I worked in a bank and it was my longest employed job i had, even though i hate maths and struggle to add up (and hated banking within hours of arriving there). I can even describe how a gsm phone network operates and tell you where in East Anglia you couldn’t get a Vodafone signal in 1996.
See? useful 😉
6. . I’ve been a Slimming World Consultant, was one for 3 years, but i’m still in need of losing the exact same 2 stone i was when i first joined and i’d still rather have a biscuit than a banana. Oh well. And even though i am morbidly terrified of having surgery, i’d rather have surgery than diet for a year.
I’m tagging…
Enjoyed readig yours (I’m too nosey) done mine.
Oh, that’s twice for us, I might have to try and think of somethings to write.
I’m with you on the Mocha – it really spoils the Coffee 🙂 So you’d reckon SW then as well?
Cheers Merry – I’ll have to have a big think about this one! Elle
snap for no 3!
hmmm.. I still only known one person though!!! Plus the only person likely to read mine is you and you probably know everything anyway!!! hum ..
I just liberated an email from you from my spam folder. Sorry, have replied now!
Found and replied 🙂
I don’t know what it is i do to that spam folder, it seems to have taken against me!
And if you’ve replied, then you must be in there again. I’ll go look….
done it – but i think I’m normal!
I’m in Lisbon! Don’t I get let off being tagged by virtue of being in a different country?
And I don’t think I have any weird things about me. Asked Isobel (who I’m staying with) and she says weird attributes are habits that other people can’t stand living with so she’ll let me know in 10 days!
I agree with Helen that it depends on your viewpoint so maybe I’ll have the home ed one as one of mine too.