Is how i feel this morning, thanks to Josie and Amelie waking me up about 10 times last night before 2am. I’d had a horrible dream, which i really wanted to get back to sleep and avoid thinking about and instead i traipsed up and down dealing with people wailing about were-rabbits and people wailing about wanting milk, which i didn’t have, wasn’t prepared to provide personally and the alternative option of cows milk was a pain in the a*se thanks to having no microwave. And then she refused it anyway.
Amelie has turned a bit of silliness over the were-rabbit into a full scale manipulation, thanks her own devious pure brilliance at getting Max to let her sleep in our bed instead of her own to get to sleep. She’s now succeeded in actually scaring herself and shrieked in unison with Josie for god knows how long last night about it. I’ve got NO patience with it; i would have if she was genuinely scared, but being scared just to annoy us doesn’t count as a valid path to sympathy at 1.30am. Especially if it’s me dealing with it while Max lies in bed and its only a problem because he was a soft touch in the first place!
Eventually i stormed off to the lounge, slammed doors and refused to deal with it further so he had to. Nothing worse than that “sleeping partner” ability to stay supposedly asleep; Max normally manages it until i’ve finally fixed everything and then magically wakes up to go to the loo :wicked: And he’ll be mad at me for moaning in public about it, but frankly, i’ve done the lions share of the traipsing round the house at night for nearly 9 years now and since i work too, and often don’t finish working till midnight, i think it is time i got every other night off.
I did of course get my come-uppance as i was wearing a sleeveless top, i flounced without a duvet and the lounge is over the garage, so freezing, and eventually i had to slink back into my bed (where i found Amelie 🙄 )
Someone give me sympathy 😳
Oh well, the rest of the day went well; Maddy was cross not to receive the plectrums i ordered and they still haven’t come today so she got into Studydog2 instead. She got 2/3 of the way through, then it all got a bit hard so i bought the $24 version to see if it would help but it upset her.
Fran read more on the weather at the poles and made a fab animal crossing model (must find camera), Amelie and Josie fimo-ed and modelled and played and generally it all felt nice. Fran made beef hot pot and i warmed up left over pancakes on top of the slow coker (very prairie muffin) – I made it through my 3rd day without biscuits.
Today i’m tired and grumpy so i’m going to take them to Activity World and sit and read while they play. Assuming they manage to do something meaningful first.
I have to admit that I have honed the ‘sleeping partner ability to stay asleep’ (or at least pretend to 😉 ) so that any night goings on in our house are now evenly dealt with. Took me a good 5 years to do that though 😉 And the kids are pretty well trained these days in any case (only a few more years to go, Merry!)
I woke up this morning to find that Joe had had a bad dream in the night, got a sleeping bag out of the airing cupboard, come up to our room, and was fast asleep on the floor next to my bed. I hadn’t heard *any* of it, and I don’t think Steve had either!
oh, and hope your day at AW does the trick and you manage an early night tonight!
you get sympathy in buckets from me Merry!!! I’ve perfected the art of flouncing WITH an armful of duvet though 😉
I think its quite funny Joe didn’t just bring his duvet!
My dh has never heard the kids at night ever – not even after the event:( He just snores away oblivious. It is very annoying. He also slept through water pouring through the ceiling and a burgalry attempt. My ex slept through me giving birth!
I am that hideous to know when woken against my wishes that Chloe was still very tiny when she learned Daddy was a far better bet to disturb at night than Mummy. He is far more patient and nicer than me. (not sure if that’s just a nighttime attribute actually). I still get left alone every morning too. She wakes up Daddy with a kiss then they both go down and then he brings me up a cup of tea to me in bed. Well spoilt I am!
You wanted sympathy not gloating didn’t you? Sorry!
Well, i suppose it is true that they get in and cuddle him not me (i put them back) and he brings me a tea in the morning, but he does fake sleep and that GETS me!