BBC NEWS | England | West Yorkshire | Bed collapse as woman gives birth
Ooops. 😯
Mind you, something like that would have verged on light relief in some of my birth experiences 🙄
BBC NEWS | England | West Yorkshire | Bed collapse as woman gives birth
Ooops. 😯
Mind you, something like that would have verged on light relief in some of my birth experiences 🙄
LOL home births for the win 😀
My bed can’t collapse – it’s on the floor!
Though I suppose the floor could collapse… 😕
that happened to the woman in the next room to me when Big was being born.
How unpleasant; it really must be dreadfully distracting 😯
She wasn’t too chuffed about it to tell the truth, dunno whether she complained though.
I blooming hope she did. I complained about my bed after Fran; its middle section was bust and everytime i tried to hoist myself up (difficult after being cut in 2) in gave way underneath me.