Our new house; i really do love it and i’m very content here for the time being too.
Cycling – off out in a minute
Losing 1 1/2 stone
Fran’s reading.
Maddy’s drawing.
Our marriage being as strong, if not stronger, than ever.
Still bfing Josie.
BM growth (some profit would now be nice!)
New friends and closer friendships with older friends.
People who have come to stay because they knew i couldn’t go away from home.
Children who play well.
Realising just how good Home Ed is for Maddy.
Ella being born and getting to know Rowan better.
having space to put people up.
Not renting.
More friends in town.
Not all bad then 🙂
yes, definitely a lot of good bits!
A lot of good bits there. :0)
Much better!
Lots and lots of love from Me xxxx
I’ve made everyone promise that ALL of 2007 will be good. I can’t do any more bad.
sounds all good – lots of good stuff to look back on and now time to look forward x x *giving you a big cuddle*
Wishing you much love and happiness for the coming year Merry and family .
Love and Blessings
Jules x