At some point on Saturday, Max and i briefly considered moving Xmas Day forward by 24 hours so we didn’t have to put up with anymore over-excitement 😆 I actually can’t even remember what happened for most of it; i think i did odds and sods of shopping and we all wrote Christmas cards (or in my case MADE Christmas cards which i’ll be posting tomorrow!) oh yes and Fran and Maddy allowed me to demonstrate my control of my control freakery. They did cards for everyone on our development and went out to deliver them on their own and i was very proud of myself because i didn’t so much as check on them from the window the whole time they were gone. Actually, on a serious note, i was really pleased with them; they were really sensible about it but also decided not to go along the road right at the back, where they’ve never been and where they would have been well out of sight of the house because it made them feel worried. Nice to know they are aware of their own comfort zones 🙂
Grandad and Auntie L came over, bringing presents which turned out to be the start of an impressive Playmobil hoard and i finished the TRB secret santa present rather hastily when they offered to convey it to their doorstep for me. Did mean i didn’t get all the details in i’d planned but i was pleased with it and can’t wait to have time to do some real life modelling next year. Might even give selling a go again. L was watching and got an urge for a go, so i furnished her with some Fimo as an extra present and i’m hoping she’ll enjoy it and make some beads for BM.
Christmas Eve is normally one filled with rituals, visits to a Grotto, visit to Church and visits to relatives. Thanks to the children deciding to take 4 hours to do a 15 minute room tidy, they missed out on the Grotto, Max’s Gran isn’t up to visitors so we only saw half his family (but did have fun with Baby-Flower and a couple of rocking horses, one of which came home with us) and somehow i didn’t feel up to going to church to sing about babies born at Christmas time, even if i could have brought myself to go in there anyway, so we gave that a miss and just hunkered down as a family, watched Peter and the Wolf and spent time together. I, as i always do, lost our copy of Twas the Night Before Christmas which i had in my grasp till lunchtime, so we missed that. Felt a bit rotten, but ended up tucking them all up with a story about Meredith and The Christmas Tree Fairy. Always feels odd reading a book with my name in it, doesn’t happen often. There is a Charlotte Bingham one about a couple called Max and Meredith, which was even odder!
Kids finally decided they were brave enough to have stockings in their rooms, so they did that and we finally got some peace.
Christmas Day started about 7.30 i think, with the best stocked stockings EVER.
Ostheimer Fairytale people (Nicky, my emails bounced that i sent to you, sorry!), DS games, dvds, homemade dolly nappies, Animal Crossing playsets (oh, i WANT these for ME!)
hair accessories
bracelets and necklaces and Santa very thoughtfully provided a stringbag for each child too, to keep their haul in 🙂
Downstairs for the first of 3 sit down meals, festive breakfast with crackers!
and then Santa presents from under the tree; some Playmobil farm stuff!
All the girls have been beside themselves with desperation for Lilydolls for weeks so rather than make the anxiety stretch out, we pulled them from behind the curtain and dished them out.
That occupied them for absolutely ages; in the meantime i got some lovely beads from Chutney Beads
and a book called My Big Idea which is a set of case studies of 30 people who set up thier own business and made successes of them. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy 🙂 Oh and i got DS: Age of Empires too, a mug painted by Fran and a bag 🙂 Max got the essential slippers, socks, mug and model racing car 🙂 We’d already set up our dvd/hard drive thingy and we love it!
For the first time ever, the kids weren’t aching to find the next present, so it was quite a while before we took them upstairs to the main pressie from each of us which was a set of Lilydoll extra for Fran…
Amelie got a Castle Northgate upgrade as she adores the TRU one from last year but it is incredibly flimsy and the Wonderworld one is just fabulous. She adores it 🙂
And Josie got the Wonderworld Barney Farm
Really well received set of presents and even if i did totally over indulge them, the combination of events that meant each of those presents were available considerably took the sting out of the financial tale 🙂 In fact, aside from Game and Amzon, all the presents this year came from places i feel good to have traded with 😉
Afternoon zonk to Curse of the Were-rabbit. Judging by Max’s chuckles, it was good 🙂
And a particularly lovely afternoon lolling about downstairs with Josie and then various others playing farms. i barely saw Fran, so immersed in Lilydoll land was she.
And then just before bed, we made the big twos day with their ipod and speakers and they rapturously bequeathed their cd player to the little ones 🙂
We’ve spent Boxing Day with my parents, nana, sister and brother and nieces and F-BIL. I’ve cuddled Ella lots, bonded with Rowan and they’ve all had loads more lovely presents which i’ve not had time to inspect aside from the Playmobil zoo which is awesome but is bringing all my OCD tendencies out because my brother appears to have insisted on adding polar bears and siberian tigers to a pets corner set and there aren’t enough fences to separate them all which is giving me anxiety attacks!!!!!! I’m going to have to order some 😆
Bizarrely, i’ve come home to a busyish day of orders, so i’m going to have to work tomorrow!!!!!
Claire says
Fab photos and OMG how grown-up does Josie look with that hairband in??
Chris F says
Sounds and looks like an absolutely great xmas
Alison says
Looks like it was a lovely time 🙂 Buttercup and I have already been through your photos a couple of times 😉
Carol says
Sounds like a lovely Christmas at the puddles!! All your girls look so grown up and content.
t-bird says
all looks fab. Forget Aprilia, I think *I* want one of those rag dolls!
Lin says
That all looks and sounds so good, the pictures are fab and although I have absolutely no idea what a Lilydoll is, I’m glad the girls loved them.
Michelle says
Best christmas gifts ever! And what lovely girls!
Hazel says
Ah, I loved looking at these christmas pics. They remind me of long ago, when I was the eldest of four girls.